Analyzing World War I Propaganda
Objectives examine WWI propaganda posters discuss the objectives, uses, and successes of propaganda
You see it everyday… Propaganda and advertising are very similar Advertising is often meant to get people to buy a product or use a service Propaganda is meant to get people to think, act, or feel a particular way Advertisers and Propagandists use many of the same tools—slogans, humor, caricatures, emotional images or language, and visual symbols
What are we looking for? What is your immediate reaction to the poster? What is happening in the poster? Does the poster display its author (Government agency or private group)? What are the important symbols used, if any? Do you think the colors used are significant? What objective is the poster designed to achieve? Is the message of the poster mainly visual, verbal, or both? What propaganda tools are used in this poster
Example What is your immediate reaction to the poster? What is happening in the poster? Does the poster display its author (Government agency or private group)? What are the important symbols used, if any? Do you think the colors used are significant? What objective is the poster designed to achieve? Is the message of the poster mainly visual, verbal, or both? What propaganda tools are used in this poster
Response: sad, but honorable Response: sad, but honorable. Sad the boy has no mom, uplifting the woman is there to help. A Red Cross nurse is comforting a possibly parentless child. She is the caring person in this boys life right now. Does not print the name, but is the American Red cross. The red of the cross is universal for care and help. White=good or pure in what she is wearing. Death and destruction is behind her. A child in need. A woman doing her part for the war Sign women up to help the war/care effort. Very effective by using the symbol of a motherless child Generalities, simplification, moral labels, plain folks, virtue words, slogans Example