Nicole Bryan 3.20.08 Avionics Final Presentation Slides AAE 450 Spring 2008 1
Total System Power: 200 Watts Power Budget Total System Power: 200 Watts Vehicle Flight Time Balloon Rise Time Vehicle System % of Operating Power Power (W) Energy Consumption (Wh) Mass (kg) Payload 5 10 1.04 0.01 30.00 0.27 Propulsion 35 70 7.25 0.07 0.00 Attitude Control 15 30 3.11 0.03 Communications 20 2.07 0.02 60.00 0.55 Command and Data Handling Thermal Power Management 25 50 5.18 0.05 Total 100 200 20.72 0.19 150.00 1.36 Safety Factor of 1.5 300 31.08 0.28 75 225 2.05 Assumptions: 200g Payload Case, Silver Zinc Battery, Balloon Launch (3hr rise time, 373 second flight time) Source: Justin Rhodes and Nicole Bryan AAE 450 Spring 2008 2 Avionics
Non-Space-Rated Sensors Sensor Type Part Number Manufacturer Unit Price Thermal TS3-85 Cantherm $10.29 Pressure 2000260 Measurement Specialties Inc. $104.06 Flow 26616 Gems Sensors, Inc. $154.95 Force FSS1500NSR Honeywell Sensing and Control $46.56 AAE 450 Spring 2008 3 Avionics
Space-Rated Sensors Sensor Type Part Number Manufacturer Unit Price Thermal S311-641/04 Honeywell Sensing and Control ~$800 Pressure PPTR $970.00 AAE 450 Spring 2008 4 Avionics
Electronic Parts: Component Rating Commercial Class B Class S Commercial Requirements Class S Requirements Infinite production lot size Built one at a time No burn-in testing Extended burn-in time (up to 240 hours) No detailed failure analysis Extended failure analysis No life testing 1,000 hour life test on every lot No traceability Traceable to the raw materials > 1% failure per 1000 hours allowed 0.0001% failures per 1000 hours allowed 1 NASA Electronics Parts Assurance Group Reference: Justin Rhodes AAE 450 Spring 2008 5 Avionics
References Wertz, James R., and Wiley J. Larson, eds. Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd ed., Torrance, Kluwer Academic and Microcosm Press, 1999. “Space Applications.” Honeywell Aerospace [online], 2007. URL: AAE 450 Spring 2008 6