2018 CoC NOFA Transition Webinar Presented by - CARES, Inc. July 28, 2018
Introduction and Discussion Goal To Provide a Program Applicant Level Overview of Two New Opportunities for Renewal Projects in the 2018 NOFA Transition Grant Projects Consolidation Grant Projects Today we will be discussing a few new additions that HUD has introduced this year in the 2018 NOFA. Please be aware that attached to this webinar is a slide that unpacks all acronyms and term of arts used in the presentation.
Important Nofa Dates The NOFA was released June 20th 2018 All CoC Applications must be submitted by September 18th 8:00 pm CoCs that fail to establish a deadline for project applications that is no later than 30 days before the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition application deadline of September 18, 2018 will receive 0 points under Section VII.B.2.d of the 2018 NOFA The 2018 NOFA was released on July 14’th 2018. The deadline for all CoC Applications is September 18’th at 8 PM. However, CoC’s who fail to establish a deadline for project applications that are no later than 30 days before September 18, will receive 0 points under Section 7 of the 2018 NOFA scoring.
2018 Transition Grant Projects Project applicants can transition an existing renewable component (e.g., TH) to another component (e.g., PH-RRH). To take advantage of the transition grant, the project applicant must use the reallocation process to relocate the existing eligible renewal component to one of the eligible new project components. Project applicants can transition an existing renewable component (e.g., TH) to another component (e.g., PH-RRH). To take advantage of the transition grant, the project applicant must use the reallocation process to relocate the existing eligible renewal component to one of the eligible new project components: PH-PSH, PH-RRH, Joint TH and PH-RRH, dedicated HMIS, or SSO-CE.
2018 Transition Grant Requirements No more than 50 percent of each transition grant may be used for costs of eligible activities of the program component originally funded; The term of the new grant must be for 1 year; The projects are from the same recipient for the eligible renewal grant(s) being eliminated; The project applicant must provide the grant number(s) of the project(s) being eliminated to create the new project; and the project applicant must attach a copy of the most recently awarded project application,; Transition grants in this Competition are eligible for renewal in subsequent fiscal years for eligible activities of the new program component; and The renewal project applicant must have the consent of its Continuum of Care and meet the standards outlined in Section III.C.3.r of the 2018 NOFA.
2018 Consolidation Prior to beginning the consolidation process in the project application, the applicant should consult with the local HUD field office to ensure each project is eligible to be consolidated. The projects being combined during a grant consolidation will continue uninterrupted.
2018 Consolidation Requirements Prior to beginning the consolidation process in the project application, the applicant should consult with the local HUD field office to ensure each project is eligible to be consolidated. To be eligible for consolidation, projects must have The same recipient; Be for the same component; and Will be funded in this competition only with FY 2018 funds (meaning no funds recaptured from prior years will be awarded to the project).
2018 Consolidation INELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS HUD will not permit projects that have the following characteristics to consolidate: outstanding audit or monitoring findings; outstanding obligation to HUD that is in arrears, unresolved construction delays, history of poor financial management/drawdown issues, history of low occupancy levels, or lack experience in administering the project type, or other capacity issues.
Ending homelessness for all persons. Remember the goal Ending homelessness for all persons. Creating a systemic response to homelessness. Strategically allocating and using resources. Remember the goal. These new options provide some new methods that if planned, accounted for and used effectively will provide our communities with more flexibility to achieve our shared goals.
Thank You for your time! Questions or Concerns? Contact your CARES Inc. Representatives, we are always happy to help; we will never accomplish our goal to end homelessness without communication with our CoC’s or your assistance.
Acronyms and brief concepts CoC – Continuum of Care HMIS – Homeless Management Information System HOPWA – Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS NOFA – Notice of Funding Availability Project Component: Joint TH – Joint Transitional Housing PH-PSH – Permanent Housing – Permanent Supportive Housing PH-RRH - Permanent Housing – Rapid Re-Housing Dedicated HMIS SSO-CE – Supportive Services Only for Coordinated Entry TH – Transitional Housing HUD – United States Department of Housing and Urban Development NOFA – Notice of Funding Availability
LINKS TO IMPORTANT HUD DOCUMENTS Continuum of Care (CoC) Program : https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/coc/ FY 18 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) : https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/FY-2018-CoC-Program-Competition-NOFA.pdf
Next Steps: Future Webinars A NOFA Summary: HUD Priorities and the Consolidated Application The DV Bonus New Opportunities for Renewing Project Esnaps: New and Returning User Training 13