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Presentation transcript:

MITIGATION SUMMIT _______________________________________________________________ OVERVIEW ECOSYSTEMS SERVICES AND WORKING LANDSCAPES RANGELAND MITIGATION CARBON CREDIT PROJECTS LOCAL FARMLAND MITIGATION POLICIES Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns ajahns@jahnsatlaw.com Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns afjahns@jahnsatlaw.com

CONSERVATION  MITIGATION The involvement of a land trust in serving a mitigation function typically arises out of its core mission of protecting one or more of the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, forested or open-space conditions of particular land.  Regulatory-driven, compensatory mitigation transactions are potential additional sources of economic support for a land trust’s conservation mission, but . . . For each opportunity to participate in a mitigation transaction, the land trust must evaluate whether its conservation mission and capacities are sufficiently aligned with the responsibilities. Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns ajahns@jahnsatlaw.com Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns afjahns@jahnsatlaw.com

LAND TRUST ROLES LAND TRUST LANDOWNER BANK OR PRESERVE ENDOWMENT HOLDER CE HOLDER BANK OR PRESERVE MANAGER MONITOR Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns ajahns@jahnsatlaw.com Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns afjahns@jahnsatlaw.com

LAND TRUST RELATIONSHIPS REGULATORY AGENCIES LANDOWNER DEVELOPER Regulatory Contractual Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns ajahns@jahnsatlaw.com Contractual Contractual Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns afjahns@jahnsatlaw.com

Mitigation Transaction Contexts Project-Specific Preserves Mitigation and Conservation Banks Implementation of Regional Strategies Habitat Conservation Plans Natural Community Conservation Plans Regional Conservation Investment Strategies Implementation of In-Lieu Fee Programs Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns afjahns@jahnsatlaw.com

DEVELOPMENTS Legislation Regulation/Policy Implementation AB 398: Extension of the carbon emission cap and trade program until end of 2030 AB 2087 (Fish and Game Code Sections 1850 – 1861): Regional Conservation Investment Strategy Pilot Program Regulation/Policy Refinement of the multi-agency CE template (March 2017 - inter alia incorporating language in compliance with Cal. Gov. Code Sections 65967(e) re reversion and 69566(j) re use of net proceeds from condemnation) Refinement of the Bank Enabling Instrument (September 2017) Fine tuning of the CDFW evaluation process for approving land trusts to hold CEs in mitigation transactions (per Cal. Gov. Code Section 65967(c)) Implementation Continuing development of regional-level habitat conservation and natural community conservation planning (approved plans and plans under development together cover more than 7 million acres and will provide conservation for nearly 400 special status species and a wide diversity of natural community types throughout California. https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=68626&inline First draft RCIS Plan (Santa Clara County) published for public comments Law Office of Alfred F. Jahns afjahns@jahnsatlaw.com