Summer/Winter Programs Summer/winter courses benefit our students in many ways Departments receive 12% of tuition Trend to online preference in modality continues but slowing Winter now ~85% online, Summer ~60% online Working to improve predictive enrollment demand analytics to better inform course supply decisions Faculty receive $7500 for completing course design and development Focus for Summer 2019 remains high demand/high enrollment, General Education, W and Q courses Call for Online Course Requests Request forms and department head approval due 10/9/2018 Exploring Online Learning begins 10/29/2018 More information can be found at:
NCFDD: An External Mentoring Community Heading NCFDD: An External Mentoring Community No cost for me to join! NCFDD institutional membership provides an external mentoring community designed to help faculty members, graduate students, and post-docs increase research and writing productivity and improve work-life balance. All current UConn Faculty and TA’s have a free membership. Three easy steps to join: Select UCONN from the list of institutions Create a username and enter your first and last name.
Faculty Success Program (FSP) 12-Week virtual bootcamp program for new tenure-track junior faculty and select mid-career tenured faculty (space available basis) Specifically designed to increase research productivity and enhance work-life balance using proven cognitive/behavioral strategies Each UConn faculty member joins a small (6 member group) supportive community of practice comprised of similarly situated faculty from other peer and aspirant institutions NCFDD has more than 70,000 individual faculty members. To date, more than 3,000 have completed the Faculty Success Program (their signature faculty development program).
FSP Time Commitment from Faculty Requires 5-6 hour per week time commitment (comprised of the following) 30 minutes of writing every day 40-60 minute weekly training modules where faculty learn skills and strategies that increase productivity and promote work-life balance 75 minute group support and accountability conference calls once per week Optional 60 minute personal coaching session once during the program We ran a pilot spring 2018 with 10 faculty. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the program has been highly recommended for others.
Faculty Success Program CETL will cover the program cost 12-week programs offered Spring, Summer, Fall but we recommend spring as best for impact For junior TT faculty hired since January 2017 OR Mid-career faculty looking to jumpstart their research and/or writing productivity Seeking nominations for the Spring 2019 cohort (Application deadline October 15, 2018) Link to institution/member schools: (Brown, Princeton, Duke, Purdue, UC Davis/San Diego/Berkeley, Michigan, Washington, University of Toronto, Penn, etc)
SET + Ongoing progress is being made with individual departments (department culture and context matter) Typically involves collaboration between CETL staff and department committee charged with SET+ Frequent focus areas Peer Observation & Peer Materials Review Teaching Portfolio Development (new eportfolio ‘Portfolium’) New options for mid-semester formative assessment (Qualtrics/CETL&OIRE) Opening up opportunities to talk about teaching CETL-supported/department-based professional development
CETL Mini-Grant Competition CETL Mini-Grant Competition Fall 2018 Mini-Grant Competition open for submissions $500 to $5000 to support teaching innovations Proposals due November 9th Criteria and submission information available at:
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning webpage: October 9 Online Course Requests October 15 Faculty Success Program November 9 Mini Grants Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning webpage: email: @uconncetl