Minds-On With someone beside you, explain how you study for exams.
How do I write a structured paragraph? To know the format of the exam. To understand how to answer different types of questions. To be able to complete a practice exam by answering similar questions that will be on the exam. Topic Sentence; Evidence; Facts; Details; Evaluate; Understand; Quotation
To know the format of the exam. First part –You write what happened in the story to show that you understand it. Second part – You write your opinion of something happening in the story. Third part – You will analyze a quotation from the story and explain how it develops the character. Read the instructions! - Include at least one (1) complex sentence. -Include appropriate transitional devices (e.g., However, Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, On the other hand, etc.) -Include a direct quotation (“”) - Quotation Analysis: characterization, theme, symbol, conflict (e.g., person vs person, person vs self, person vs society, person vs. nature, person vs. technology)
Now, we are going to read some paragraphs. To understand how to answer different types of questions. Now, we are going to read some paragraphs. Pay attention to the structure of these paragraphs. Topic Sentence; Evidence; Facts; Details; Evaluate; Understand; Quotation
The Learning Centre is a busy place The Learning Centre is a busy place. One reason is that many students come to the Learning Centre to get tutoring help. They come for help with writing, study skills, math and course concepts. Often there are three to five tutoring pairs working together in the Learning Centre at any one time. Another reason the Learning Centre is so busy is that many students like to use its ten computers. They write papers, do research, check their email and use WebCT. So many people want to use the computers that there are often people standing around and waiting for a free computer. Finally, the reception desk is often busy. People come to the desk to make and change appointments, to ask for resources and to ask for information about the Learning Centre. People often have to line up to get help at the reception desk, especially when classes have just ended. Taken together, then, the tutoring, the computers and the reception desk all contribute to making the Learning Centre a very active place. 1. What is the main idea of the paragraph? 2. How many points are used to support that main idea? 3. Underline the transitions used to show the reader that a new main point is being introduced. 4. What facts are used to support the points?
Here is a sample 3-point paragraph about my recent trip to the Pacific Northwest: My recent trip to the Pacific Northwest encouraged me to appreciate the beauty of nature. Because my husband was running his first marathon in Portland, Oregon, our family stayed in the region to enjoy the crisp autumn weather. During the week, we saw the rugged Pacific coast, lush rainforests, and glacier-coated volcanic peaks. Running the marathon made Mr. Lafortune’s legs like mushy macaroni, so we headed to the beach first in order for him to relax his aching muscles. We stayed at Cannon Beach, where Haystack Rock towers above the pounding surf. Next, we hiked the thick rainforest trails that dot the coastline of Oregon. As we walked, we took many pictures of ferns and giant trees covered in moss along the way. Finally, we went to Mt. Hood, an inactive volcano and Oregon’s highest peak. We ate in the lodge near the top of the mountain, and watched the best sunset I’ve ever seen on the drive back down. Blessed by the majestic scenery, I returned home refreshed, inspired by the wonders of the Pacific Northwest, and grateful for the opportunity to visit the great outdoors.
Topic Sentence; Evidence; Facts; To be able to complete a practice exam by answering similar questions that will be on the exam. Include three (3) details and at least one (1) complex sentence: Why is Justin so devastated when he tears up his right knee? Use a direct quotation with three (3) details in your answer: In your opinion, did Justin make the right choice to go to college? 3. Use three (3) transitional devices to analyze this quotation: “Justin!” said his sister. “Let me see your progress report. Oh this won’t do, Justin. We’re going to have to get these up.” Topic Sentence; Evidence; Facts; Details; Evaluate; Understand; Quotation
The speaker/character of this quotation is... [describe] This quotation is from the part of the book when... [describe] This quotation is significant because... [analysis] This quotation develops the symbolism of... because... [analysis] This quotation develops the conflict of... because... [analysis] This quotation develops the characterization of... because... [analysis] This quotation develops the theme of... because... [analysis] These are only suggestions! You can use a variety of sentence structures. Remember to use your transitional devices.