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6 th year of school operation Approximately 760 students Start: 8:55am End: 3:15pm Recess: 10:45am - 20 minutes Lunch 12:25pm – 1 hour (20 to eat, 40 outside)
Reading and Writing – Modelled – Shared – Independent – Guided Support at home with a quiet space to read, access to a variety of texts, time to read with an adult.
More Literacy Oral Language – Listening and speaking – vocabulary development. – Support at home through conversation, rehearsal for presentations, responses to read-alouds. Media – Critical approach to media messages. – Ability to use a variety of media to communicate messages.
Literacy Network Reading for meaning through development of critical thinking skills. Background knowledge – Constructivist Theory of Learning. Talk to your child about their reading, about other issues; encourage their curiosity; take them places to have new experiences.
Greater emphasis on practical applications, using words, pictures, and numbers to explain their understanding. Help by encouraging children to read and reread questions, draw diagrams or pictures to help with their understanding, paraphrase what is being asked in their own words. Practise with math games, card games, games and toys that develop logic and spatial awareness.
Find grade-specific curriculum at: elementary/index.htmlhttp:// elementary/index.html
5 levels of achievement – R – remedial assistance needed to achieve at grade level – 1 (D)– below the expectations for the grade – 2 (C) – approaching expectations for the grade – 3 (B) – meets expectations for the grade – 4 (A) – exceeds expectations for the grade Many reasons for lower achievement – learning skills most important.
Differentiation of instruction and assessment. Many types of assessment based on different learning strengths. Assessment Triangle – Conversations, Observations, Products
Create a Routine Create a quiet, well-lit place for homework. Have an adult close by to offer assistance and encouragement. Establish a daily after-school routine – a healthy snack, some play time, homework, then dinner. Set a regular bed-time allowing for 9 – 11 hours of sleep, depending on childs age.
Remove Distractions Homework should be done without a TV or computer turned on in the room, unless the computer is being used for homework. Cell phones and other communication devices should be turned off. Younger children in the household should not be in the room while the students are doing their homework.
Communicate with the Teacher If you notice your child is regularly having difficulty with homework or you have other concerns, phone the teacher and let them know. See yourself as an equal partner in your childs education – you and the teacher are allies. Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Nov 22-23
Use the Agenda Help your child to use their agenda to keep track of homework, assignments, tests, as well as their activities outside of school. Encourage them to plan ahead – if there is an activity on Wednesday night and an assignment due on Thursday, then they need to plan ahead by completing it before Wednesday night. Write the daily routine in the agenda.
Step Away from the Screens Limit the total of screen time (non-homework use of the computer, tv, cell phone communication) to no more than 2 hours each day. Keep screens in a common area of the home so that adults are aware of how much they are being used and for what purpose.
Asking the Right Questions Avoid asking, How was school today? – The answer will probably be, Fine. Instead be specific: What activities did you do in Science? What did you play at recess? What kinds of books are you interested in reading? What did you discover today that was cool?
4 Areas of Parental Involvement with the Biggest Impact Have high expectations for your child – in terms of learning skills as well as achievement, through setting goals and taking steps to achieve them. Talk about school. Read with your child – in any language. Help your child develop positive work habits and attitudes towards learning.
Specialty Programs French Immersion – info night in January – details to follow when identified by the board (entry for Grade 1) BCSS (entry for Grade 9) ( nks/Admission-Application.htm) nks/Admission-Application.htm
Baythorne (school for the arts in York Region) 3 or 4 year program depending on year of entry, starting with Grade 5 – focus in Drama, Dance, Music, Visual Arts artsProgram.htm artsProgram.htm