Tú Commands Spanish Project
Affirmative Tú Commands Drop “s” in tú form Add pronoun if needed to the end of the verb. Acostarse- Acuestase Used when telling a familiar person to do something. It is used the same way as in English. Example-Run to the store now! ¡Corre a la tienda ahora!
Irregular Affirmative Tú Commands Pon- Poner Ten- Tener Ven- Venir Sal- Salir Sé- Ser Di- Decir Haz- Hacer Ve- Ver Example: Put the sweets on the table. Pon los dulces en la mesa.
Negative Tú Commands Drop “o” in the yo form Add opposite ending Used when telling a familiar person not to do something. It is used the same way as in English. Pronoun goes before the verb. Acostarse- No se acuestes Example- Don’t watch Dora on the television! ¡No mires Dora en la televisión! Verb Form Opposite Ending AR Es ER/IR As
Irregular Negative Tú Commands No seas- Ser No estes- Estar No sepas- Saber No des- Decir No vayas- Ir Example- Don’t go to the park. No vayas a la parque.
Catchy Way to Remember Negative Tú Commands Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQi8Xl4pgCo