Trends in Groundwater Conditions in the Ogallala Aquifer Patrick Frasier
The Ogallala Covers parts of eight states, from South Dakota to Texas Covers 174,000 square miles (450,658 sq km). France is 674,843 sq km Depth to Bottom of Aquifer range from 200-500 ft in Texas
Why is the Ogallala Important? Aquifer represent 65 percent of all the irrigated acreage in the nation (Jensen, 2004). Possible that the aquifer may dry up in as little as 25 years (BBC, 2007)
The Ogallala and Agriculture
The Ogallala 22,182 wells 1 well/1.62 sq miles Average well depth = 278 feet
Location, Location, Location B
Location, Location, Location B
Location, Location, Location B
The Ogallala
The Ogallala
The Ogallala
The Ogallala
The Ogallala and Cities
The Ogallala and Cities Results indicate that aquifer depletion is primarily due to irrigation of crops and not to domestic use
Distances between wells is ~30 miles
Reasons for Decline Unfavorable geology Unfavorable climate Overpumping
Conclusions By 2010, water levels will drop to 278 feet below the surface – the average well depth
Conclusions By 2226, water levels will drop to 278 feet below the surface – the average well depth
Conclusions Effects not the same for everyone It depends on your location, how deep your well is, and how much money you have. $100/foot to drill a well
Possible Solutions Improvements in irrigation technology Farmers take CE 385D to learn how to solve optimization models using GAMS
You’re Welcome Sources North Plains Water Division. Jensen, Ric. 2004. BBC News.