WHAT is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is… Using others’ ideas and words without citing the source Downloading material from the Internet without acknowledgment Using visual information from a website without citing the source Forgetting to add a citation to ideas that are not your own
This applies to: published texts in print or online manuscripts other student writers what you might hear on the radio or TV
Why Do Students Deliberately Plagiarize? fear of taking risks in own work poor time-management skills rushing to finish paper students think it’s easier than writing lack on interest in subject – FIND something about the subject you like lack of knowledge about topic
HOW students plagiarize accidentally didn’t take notes during research and document sources fuzzy on what plagiarism means and HOW to recognize it sources incorrectly cited cultural misconceptions: intellectual property rights not universal
Underlying Implications of Plagiarism Goal of research and college writing is to engage yourself in scholarly issues learning how to join the academic discussion. Not learning how to do this means also avoiding learning how to join the broader social conversation in your community at large.
Why Should You Care About Plagiarism? You will fail the course and/or lose the chance to attend the school It will go on your academic record You will be cheating yourself - of learning the material - of getting an education - you‘ll be fooling yourself into thinking there are short cuts in college
Avoid Plagiarism What are some ways to avoid plagiarizing?
Avoid Plagiarism: 1. Make a record of each source - use a working bibliography - keep track of sources in notes, bookmark web sites, record URL and date of access
Avoid Plagiarism 2. Quoting: put in quotations everything that comes directly from the text. * this includes facts, statistics, drawings “Public schools need reform but they’re irreplaceable in teaching all the nation’s young” (Pritchard 14). * quotation marks around entire quote Author’s name and page number in parentheses for the in-text citation.
Avoid Plagiarism 3. Signal the source material: * According to Peter S. Pritchard in USA Today,“Public schools need reform but they’re irreplaceable in teaching all the nation’s young” (14). The words “According to” signals the reader of the source being used.
Avoid Plagiarism 4. Use an attributive tag: “Pritchard comments that…” showing the source of the quote. or an informative attributive tag: “Congressman Pritchard…”
Avoid Plagiarism Paraphrasing – putting the words or ideas of others into your own words. You must cite your source when paraphrasing. Summarizing – capturing the main ideas in your own words requires that you cite the source.
Citing Sources MLA or APA? In-text = in the body of your paper, cite your source parenthetically with the last name of the author or name of the website, and the page number at the end of the sentence like this (Jones 15). Works Cited List = an alphabetical page attached to the last page of your paper.
Avoid Plagiarism Learn how to cite sources correctly: - look in a writing handbook under MLA or APA documentation! - look online! - ask your teacher! - visit the Learning Center!
Avoid Plagiarism Start working on your essays early – give yourself enough time to do a good job.