Fingerprint Identification Minutiae Patterns Project
Step 1: Saving this document Click on icon in top left corner Click on “save as” Save on your M drive as “insert last name” minutiae project
Minutiae Patterns to identify and label in fingerprints
Procedure for each fingerprint Label the cores and delta using the insert shape option (see example slide) Label 5 different points of identification using the insert shape tools and label each one with a number using a line and a text box (see example slide) Create a legend for the 5 points and ID each type of point AND state the specific type of fingerprint pattern assume all fingers are from your left hand
Example Core Delta
For example… 1 2 Island ridge (or short ridge) Bifurcation
Print 1
Print 2
Print 3
Print 4
Print 5
Print 6
Print 7
Grading Rubric For each print TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 56 pts Label cores and deltas (2 pts) Name specific type of fingerprint (1 pt) Label 5 different minutiae (5 pts) Attempt to find all types at least once in project TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 56 pts