Morning Warm- Up Animals everywhere start life as babies Morning Warm- Up Animals everywhere start life as babies. Each animal has a mother and a father. Over time, the babies grow. How do animals change as they grow?
Morning Warm- Up Today we will read about tadpoles Morning Warm- Up Today we will read about tadpoles. Tadpoles grow bigger and stronger until they are frogs. Frogs are the highest jumpers! What else can frogs do?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read more about Turtle Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read more about Turtle. Her life is not very peaceful. She has to be careful. Being a powerful swimmer helps! What else can turtles do well?
Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about how grasshoppers grow and change. Grasshoppers hide their eggs in the ground. What animal would you like to find out about?
Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about turtles, frogs, otters, and grasshoppers. All of these animals change as they grow. What animal changes the most as it grows?