David Sayago EU Research Funding Team Valorisation Centre
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Protecting infrastructure (SU-INFRA) Security (FCT) Cybersecurity funding in H2020 Societal challenges Secure Societies Digital Security (SU-DS) Protecting infrastructure (SU-INFRA) Security (FCT) Industrial Leadership ICT Cybersecurity (SU-ICT) Societal challenges HEALTH Trusted digital solutions and cybersecurity in health care (SU-TDS) Sometimes also in Energy and Transport
Digital Security (SU-DS) Cybersecurity funding in H2020 Societal challenges Secure Societies Digital Security (SU-DS) Protecting infrastructure (SU-INFRA) Cybersecurity funding in H2020 SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020 (deadlines: 23/8/2018; 22/8/2019; to be determined) Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe SU-INFRA02-2019 (deadline 22/8/2019) Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces SU-DS01-2018 (deadline: 22/8/2018) Cybersecurity preparedness - cyber range, simulation and economics SU-DS03-2019-2020 (deadline: 22/8/2019; to be determined) Digital Security and privacy for citizens and SMEs and Micro Enterprises SU-DS04-2018-2020 (deadlines: 23/8/2018; to be determined) Cybersecurity in the EPES: an armour against cyber and privacy attacks and data breaches SU-DS05-2018-2019 (deadlines: 23/8/2018; 22/8/2019) Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors
Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks Industrial Leadership ICT Cybersecurity (SU-ICT) Cybersecurity funding in H2020 SU-ICT-01-2018 (deadline 28/8/2018) Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks SU-ICT-04-2019 (deadline 14/11/2019) Quantum Key Distribution testbed SU-ICT-02-2020 (deadline 19/11/2019) Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems
Societal challenges HEALTH Trusted digital solutions and cybersecurity in health care (SU-TDS) Cybersecurity funding in H2020 SU-TDS-02-2018 (deadline 24.4.2018) Toolkit for assessing and reducing cyber risks in hospitals and care centres to protect privacy/data/infrastructures SU-TDS-03-2018 (deadline 24.4.2018) Raising awareness and developing training schemes on cybersecurity in hospitals
Innovative applications of drones for ensuring safety in transport Societal challenges TRANSPORT Cybersecurity funding in H2020 MG-2-8-2019: Innovative applications of drones for ensuring safety in transport MG-3-2-2018: The Autonomous Ship DT-ART-01-2018: Testing, validation and certification procedures for highly automated driving functions under various traffic scenarios based on pilot test data
Support from EU Research Funding Team (VC) Suitability of idea vs topic History of the topic Relevant policy documents Past funded projects Potential competitors Partner search Understanding the topic Challenging the proposal Review of draft(s) M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 Call deadline Suitability of idea vs topic History of the topic Relevant policy documents Past funded projects Potential competitors Partner search Understanding the topic Challenging the proposal Review of draft Suitability of idea vs topic History of the topic Relevant policy documents Past funded projects Potential competitors Partner search Understanding the topic Challenging the proposal Review of draft(s)
Professional experience in logos David Sayago As researcher As project manager subsidy adviser proposal writer As evaluator As policy officer