Standards Based Grading
Rationale for Standards Based Grading Current methods of grading don’t accurately indicate what a students knows and is able to do. Students are required to achieve standards, but traditional grading does not indicate students performance of standards. IT IS BEST FOR KIDS!!! Students will be able to explain what they learned or did not learn rather than explain how many questions they missed.
Purpose of Grading To document student & teacher progress To provide feedback to the student, family, and the teacher To inform instructional decisions
What is Standards Based Grading? Indicates what students know and are able to do. Measures a student’s progress toward the attainment of a standard. Indicates if the student has mastered the standard. Is ongoing and specific. Based on the results of multiple experiences over time. It is not: Based of effort Based of participation
Which gradebook better illustrates what students know and what they still need to learn? Name Quiz 1 Chapter 1 Test Homework Average John 90 65 70 Sue 50 62 Name I can identify and explain text features. I can discuss cause and effect in non-fiction. I can evaluate the proposed solution to a specific problem in non-fiction. John 4 (Advanced) 2 (Basic) 3 (Proficient) Sue 1 (Below Basic)
Standards Based Grading Scale 4 (Advanced) I know it even better than my teacher taught it. 3 (Proficient) I know it just the way my teacher taught it. 2 (Basic) I know some of the simple ideas, but I need help on most. 1 (Below Basic) With some help, I can do it.
Standards Based Grading Scale (Percentage Breakdown) Student Score Percentage Description 4 100% I know it even better than my teacher taught it. 3.5 95% 3 90% I know it just the way my teacher taught it. 2.5 80% 2 70% I know some of the simple ideas, but I need help on most. 1.5 65% 1 60% With some help, I can do it.
Standards Based Grading Scale (As Seen in Infinite Campus) Student Score Infinite Campus Grade Percentage Description 4 10 100% I know it even better than my teacher taught it. 3.5 9.5 95% 3 9 90% I know it just the way my teacher taught it. 2.5 8 80% 2 7 70% I know some of the simple ideas, but I need help on most. 1.5 6.5 65% 1 6 60% With some help, I can do it.
In Summary Standards based grading will provide students with a clear picture of their progress on learning goals and how they might improve Assessments and learning become a process vs. a specific type of test Teachers can adjust instruction to best fit the needs of the students