Italian city-states simulation Let’s Get Historical!
Follow Along with the Outline You will be placed in groups of 4-5 and be assigned one of the three major City-States of Italy during the Renaissance Genoa Venice Florence This Simulation has three parts:
Part 1 : The Presentation Your group will have 2 classes in which to create a presentation about your specific City-State Your Presentation must have the following components: Poster – City Name and Scene of City Book Cover – Great Thinker Mini-Poster Art – Sculpture, Painting, Picture, etc Presentation – Can be a brag sessions, advertisement, business pitch, whatever. You will receive gold for the Simulation portion of this based on how well you complete your presentation
Part 2: The Simulation Within your group you will be given one of the following roles: Condotierri (Warrior) Merchant Artist Banker Patron Depending on which role you have, you have different duties to fulfill.
Part 2: The Simulation This part will have 2 Rounds and will be broken down like this: First Day – Preparations Prepare Battle Plans Make Art Plan a Merchant Trip
Part 2: The Simulation Second Day – Round Action Battles Take Place Merchant Trips Take Place Art Auctions Take Place (End of class) Again, gold is assigned based on how well your City-State does at it’s various tasks during these rounds At the end of this part, a winning City-State will be determined by having the Most Gold at the end.
Part 3: Reflection Upon Learning After you complete the Simulation you will reflect as a group on how you did Then, you will complete an Individual reflection on your experience and about what you have learnt from this simulation
General Timeline Day 1 –Prepare Presentation of City-States Day 2 – Finish Preparing presentation of City-States Day 3 - All groups present on City-States Day 4 – Prepare for Round 1 Day 5 – Round 1 Day 6 – Prepare for Round 2 Day 7 – Round 2 Possible Third Round if Time Permits (Day 8 & 9) Day 8 or 10 – Reflection upon Learning
Assessment You will be given one mark for this simulation under Assignments Category It will be made up of the three components of the Simulation: Group Presentation Mark (20 Marks) Individual Reflection Mark (10 Marks) Peer Evaluation Mark (20 Marks) These 3 components will be totaled together for a final mark out of 50.
Ready for your GROUPS?!?!
Florence 1
Florence 2
Venice 1
Venice 2
Genoa 1
Genoa 2
The results!!
Results! 6th Place: with $ 5th Place: 4th Place 3rd: Place 2nd Place: 1St Place: The Winning team members may apply A bonus 5% to the upcoming test or To their lowest grade in D2L (Up to this Point)
Reflection Questions Complete the following reflection questions INDIVIDUALLY. You may work in and discuss your answers with your City-State Groups Simulation Reflection: How successful was your city-state? (1 Mark) What made your city-state the most prosperous; War, Art or Trade? Why? (2 Marks) Where did your City-State struggle? Why? (2 Marks) What would you have done differently given the opportunity? Why? (2 Marks) What role do you think war, trade, and art played in the development of the real city-states? (3 Marks) These questions, along with your Peer-Evaluations MUST be handed in by the END OF CLASS! Reminder that your Chapter 2 Test is ____________