MMMR – Missing Measure
Brandon has a 95 average in math class Brandon has a 95 average in math class. There were 5 assignments, but he can only find 4 of the papers that were passed back. What did he make on the missing assignment if his 4 grades are 89, 92, 96, 98? What do you think his missing grade is? Estimate a value.
Steps for finding the Missing Measure 1. Identify the Average and the Number of Items. 2. Create the Circle Diagram. 3. Multiply the Average and the Number of Items to find the Total Points. 4. Fill in the Circle Diagram. 5. Add the values you know together and subtract the number from the total points.
The Circle Diagram Total Points Number of Items Average
Brandon has a 95 average in math class Brandon has a 95 average in math class. There were 5 assignments, but he can only find 4 of the papers that were passed back. What did he make on the missing assignment if his 4 grades are 89, 92, 96, 98? Total of Known Values: Total Points 89 + 92 + 96 + 98 = 375 95 X 5 = 475 Missing Value: 95 5 475 - 375 = 100 Average Number of Items
Jacob needs to make a 93 in math class, so he can get a raise in his allowance. Currently his grades are 85, 83, 90, and 87. What does Jacob need to make on his next assignment to make a 93 in math class? Total of known values: Total Points 85 + 83 + 90 + 87 = 345 465 93 X 5 = Missing Value: 93 5 465 - 345 = 120 Average Number of Items
The mean of a data set of 3 numbers is 15 The mean of a data set of 3 numbers is 15. The mean of a data set is of 6 numbers is 30. What is the mean of the combined data sets? Total points for data set 1: Mean: 15 x 3 = 45 225 ÷ 9 = 25 Total points for data set 2: 180 30 X 6 = Total points for both data sets: 45 + 180 = 225