Literary Criticism View: FORMALIST By: Haley A. Erica C. Elizabeth G.
DEFINITION: A way of analyzing literature in which no outside information about history, politics, or society, is used, and no prior knowledge about the author’s life or time period is referenced. Strictly the text, and literary elements used within it.
WHERE DID FORMALIST VIEWPOINT COME FROM? WHY DO PEOPLE USE IT? Originating in Russia, Formalist Critique is the simplest of all forms of criticism, requiring no background information. Many people choose to use it because it is easy and worry-free to use.
PROS OF FORMALIST VIEW “This approach can be performed without much research and it emphasizes the value of literature apart from its context (in effect makes literature timeless). Virtually all critical approaches begin here.” It is the easiest of all literary critique, requiring no prior knowledge, and relying solely on individual beliefs.
CONS OF FORMALIST VIEW “The text is seen in isolation. Formalism ignores the context of the work. It cannot account for allusions. It tends to reduce literature to little more than a collection of rhetorical, stylistic devices.” Without prior research or knowledge, one is putting a piece of literature in a box. Examining only one point of view often leads one to unanalyzed inferences.
FORMALIST CRITIQUE IN ACTION: The tree in My Father and the Fig Tree represents his pride for his daughter. The father pointing at other trees saying “I wish they were fig trees” shows how he thinks his daughter is special. He tells her the figs are gifts from Allah, showing her how she should love herself.
WORKS CITED Murfin, Ross, and Supryia M. Ray. "VirtuaLit: Critical Approaches." VirtuaLit: Critical Approaches. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2013.