Year 11 Subject Selection – Picture??
Course Description In VCE Literature students undertake close reading of texts (novels, plays films) and analyse how language and literary elements and techniques function within a text. Emphasis is placed on recognition of a text’s complexity and meaning, and on consideration of how that meaning is embodied in its literary form. The study provides opportunities for reading deeply, widely and critically, responding analytically and creatively, and appreciating the aesthetic merit of texts. So….What does this mean? If you are a student who enjoys reading and analysing the reasons why an author might write a book, as well as writing in a creative manner using a text/film as a starting point – this subject is for you.
Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks Reading a number of texts Discussion Questions Small analysis activities Watching films Analysing scenes and elements from the film Reading journal In Literature the assessment tasks are designed to allow the student to respond critically and creatively to texts. By doing so the student examines why people respond to texts the way they do. Students will explore, interpret and reflect on different ideas and values represented in literature and use evidence from the texts to support a response. The different forms of writing include: an essay (comparative, interpretive, analytical or discursive) • a debate • a reading journal • a close analysis of selected passages • an original piece of writing responding to a text/s studied • an oral or a written review • a multimedia presentation • participation in an online discussion.
Subject pathway…. The study of Literature at Year 11 leads directly to the study of Literature in Units 3 and 4. The skills students gain through analysis, planning, responding, proof-reading are skills needed for further study beyond Year 12. The ability to explore, interpret and reflect on different ideas and values represented in literature also allows students to apply these skills in their every day lives. Studying Literature allows those students, who love to read or discuss novels / films, the chance to do so in a dynamic and enthusiastic setting.
Extra activities/costs? Literature Students attend a play in Melbourne in Term 3. Nagle College covers the cost of the admission price and train trip. Students bring their own spending money for lunch. Literature students are also given the opportunity to spend time with an author in residence. This gives them a unique insight into the world of an author, their motivations and processes for writing. A still from ‘The Weir’, a play that Literature students went to see in 2015.
More information…. Staff contacts Ms Warden: Mrs Williams: Mrs Paterson: