Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Lessons from 2012 reporting (Art. 8, 9, 10) European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit WG DIKE 18-19 March 2013, Brussels
Learning from 2012 reporting – initial reflections Relationship: ‘paper reports’ to reporting sheets (RS) ‘early’ MS have more difficulty matching to RS (paper reports completed before RS finalised) likely to lead to mismatch of reporting categories and gaps in priority fields Reporting sheet content Many topics to cover in RS – reflects Art. 8 and Annex III RS considered by some MS as complex with challenging questions, despite ‘simple’ set of main questions (concept paper) Assessment methods poorly developed, e.g. ‘whole area’ assessments High level approach (functional groups, predominant habitats, hazardous substances) but data often more detailed (biotope/species/substance level)
Learning from 2012 reporting – initial reflections Geographic scales, regions/subregions Complex issues; inconsistent approaches to scale Reporting tools Database much improved from test version, but could be more user friendly (difficulties transcribing from original RS) Schemas initially with many more error messages Timing: reporting sheets and tools Entire reporting system developed and built in 15 months Agreed RS ‘too late’ for early reporting MS Final reporting tools and guidance slightly delayed due to major revision needed MS with internal systems built on ‘trial version’ of schemas MS with long/complex internal processes need RS earlier
First lessons learned - from Germany realistic timeframes including internal processes in MS schema publication – the effective starting point for MS evaluation defines the reporting content avoid free text – use structured information use existing information processes to regional organisations
Learning from 2012 reporting – future reporting Process Joint working with other WGs – linking concepts and reporting Monitoring – WG GES/DIKE ad-hoc meeting and follow-up Measures – WG GES/DIKE/ESA, WFD Timing Develop and agree Reporting Sheets in good time Art. 11 Monitoring – aim to agree RS by spring 2013 (reports due October 2014) Art. 13 Measures – aim to agree RS by mid 2014 (reports due March 2016) Art. 8, 9 and 10 reporting in 2018 – aim to agree revised RS by 2016 Reporting system Develop and test reporting tools in good time Improved user-friendly interface Decentralisation and regional cooperation
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