Write down 5 things about this dog
Write down 5 things about this dog Qualitative: He is mostly brown He has long hair He has lots of energy Quantitative: Discrete: He has 4 legs He has 2 brothers Continuous: He weighs 25.5 kg He is 565 mm tall
Good Survey Design http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science- fair- projects/project_ideas/Soc_survey.shtml Get the information you need https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=tUBC0UDfIpN5QlGGetqhOIq8YvLcYf2e3PpKU3tRO%2bs%3d
a new study researchers Aner Tal and Brian Wansink suggests people are more likely to believe a claim if it “looks and smells” scientific, like if it’s accompanied by a graph. even if a graph contains no new information, it will convince people “simply by virtue of being presented with elements associated with science.
A large pharmaceutical company has recently developed a new drug to boost peoples’ immune function. It reports that trials it conducted demonstrated a drop of forty per cent (from eighty seven to forty seven per cent) in occurrence of the common cold. It intends to market the new drug as soon as next winter, following FDA approval. 68%
A large pharmaceutical company has recently developed a new drug to boost peoples’ immune function. It reports that trials it conducted demonstrated a drop of forty per cent (from eighty seven to forty seven per cent) in occurrence of the common cold. It intends to market the new drug as soon as next winter, following FDA approval. 68% 96%
Excel or Google Sheets
Making a graph on Excel or Google Sheets http://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/censushome.nsf/home/data Quick stats Your Postcode
Making an infograph https://magic.piktochart.com/ http://www.easel.ly/ https://infogr.am/app/#/home http://visual.ly/ Quick stats Your Postcode
Aussie Rules Injuries - Excel http://www.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/AFLInjuryReportFor2012.pdf Sleep Infographic http://bettersleep.org/better-sleep/the-science-of-sleep/sleep-statistics-research/