The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence.
We shall take a closer look at these steps and the terminology you will need to understand before you start a science project.
Scientific Method Ask a Question Do Background Research Construct a Hypothesis Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion Communicate Your Results
Steps of the Scientific Method QUESTION OR PROBLEM Example: How will coke affect the growth of plants? Click to hear narration.
Steps of the Scientific Method RESEARCH Example: Find what others have said about the affect of coke on plants. Research what you would need to complete the experiment. Click to hear narration.
Steps of the Scientific Method CONSTRUCT A HYPOTHESIS Example: If I put 3 cups of coke on a Daisy plant for 2 weeks, then the plant will die. Click to hear narration.
Steps of the Scientific Method EXPERIMENT The supplies needed are… The amount of time it will take… The location… The variables… Perform the experiment. Click to hear narration.
Steps of the Scientific Method ANALYZE DATA AND DRAW A CONCLUSION Example: I found that after putting 3 cups of coke on a Daisy plant for two weeks that the plant died. My hypothesis was correct. Click to hear narration.
Steps of the Scientific Method COMMUNICATE YOUR RESULTS Make a nice display board presenting all the information you found, including pictures, data (charts and graphs), and a journal with daily entries to show your results. You will present your projects to the class. Click to hear narration.
Conclusion The steps of the Scientific Method will be used often and for many different purposes throughout your life. Can you remember the steps in order without looking? Could any of these steps be combined or changed to create less or more steps? GET OUT A PIECE OF BLANK PAPER AND A PENCIL.
EXIT CARD What could you use the steps of the Scientific Method for other than a science experiment in this class?