Equivalent Fractions and Multipliers Unit 1 Lesson 3 Equivalent Fractions and Multipliers
Equivalence in a Multiplication Table Write as many equivalent fractions for as you can think of.
We could take both 3 and 5 times two to create the equivalent fraction Multiples of 3 Multiples of 5 We could take both 3 and 5 times two to create the equivalent fraction We could take both 3 and 5 times three to create the equivalent fraction
Use the multiplication table to create the next 7 equivalent fractions.
Simplify and Unsimplify How could you change to 18 30 You would multiply both the numerator and denominator by 6. How could you simplify 18 30 ? You would divide both the numerator and denominator by 6.
Simplify and Unsimplify How could you change to 27 45 You would multiply both the numerator and denominator by 9. How could you simplify 27 45 ? You would divide both the numerator and denominator by 9.
Use the multiplication table to create nine equivalent fractions for the fraction 4 7
Making an Equivalent Fraction Chain Make an equivalent fraction chain for 3/4
More Practice If I need a fraction equivalent to 4 7 with a denominator of 56, what will the numerator be? How did you get 32? If I need a fraction equivalent to 4 7 with a denominator of 24, what will the numerator be? How did you get 42?
Use Fraction Bars to find Equivalent Fractions for ¾
Just a Little More Practice What is the multiplier? What is the divider?
What’s the Error?