Ottoman Empire after WWI
Mudros Armistice 1918 San Remo Conference 1920 Ottoman Empire signs harsh armistice terms, Oct. 31, 1918 San Remo Conference 1920 Discussed what Allies would claim in ME Became blueprint for Treaty of Sevres Established the mandate system under control of the League of nations
Treaty of Sèvres 1920 Terms of the treaty Straits managed by allied commission Eastern Anatolia (Asia Minor) split between independent Armenia and Kurdistan Italy, France, Greece obtain land from Ottomans Arab lands divided into Fr. and Br. Mandates Capitulations restored
Treaty of Sevres
Greek-Turkish War 1919-22 Greece attempts to take more land than given in Treaty of Sèvres Fr and Italy no longer support Greece Mustafa Kemal and Nationalists defeat Greeks Pushes them off of Anatolia Ottoman Sultan abdicates Republic of Turkey est. Oct. 1923 Turkey negotiates new treaty with Allies
Treaty of Lausanne 1923 Turkey admits loss of Arab lands Regains control of Thrace from Greece Capitulations abolished No payment of war reparations Armenian state reduced and Kurdish state denied League of Nations awards Mosul to Britain
Treaty of Lausanne