Savior of the Nations, Come A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Lutheran Worship’ Edition Hymn #13 Savior of the Nations, Come Text: attr. St. Ambrose, 340-97 Martin Luther, 1483-1546 NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND Tune: Johann Walther, 1496-1570 PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [1] Savior ** *** *******, come, Show ******** *** ******'* son. Marvel ******, ******, earth, That *** *** ***** **** * birth.
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [2] No ***'* ***'* ** **** ** blood But *** ****** ** *** God Made *** **** ** *** ** flesh, Woman's *********, **** *** fresh.
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [3] Here * **** *** ***** **** child, Virgin **** *** undefiled. In *** ******* ** *** known God *** **** *** ***** *** throne.
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [4] Then ******* ***** *** **** ** all From *** **** *** ****** hall; God ** ***, ******** man, His ****** ****** began.
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [5] God *** ****** *** *** source Back ** *** ** *** *** course. Into **** *** **** **** down, Back **** ** *** ****** *** crown.
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [6] Father's *****, *** **** win Vict'ries *** ** **** sin. Might *******, **** ** whole; Heal *** **** ** ***** *** soul.
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [7] From *** ****** ******* light Sends * ***** ******* *** night. Night ****** **** ***** subdue, Faith ***** ********* **** new.
#13 - Savior of the Nations, Come [8] Glory ** *** ****** sing, Glory ** *** ***, *** king, Glory ** *** ****** be Now *** ******* eternity.
A Collection of Lutheran Music Text: © 1978 Concordia Publishing House Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler