Writing an Explanatory Essay
Writing an Explanatory Essay Student Unit Objective: I can write an explanatory essay. Student objective: I can define and list what is included in an explanatory essay.
I can define and list what is included in an explanatory essay.
Characteristics of an Informational / Explanatory Essay
Topic Related Words Domain Specific Vocabulary When you are reading about a specific topic you will come across words that has to do with that topic. These are words that you will not use every day.
What are some domain specific words for …plants? …place value? …Civil War? …astronomy?
Class Mentor Prompt You have read two texts: Aboard the Titanic and R.M.S. Titanic. The Titanic was an amazing cruise ship. Write an essay explaining why the Titanic was remarkable ship. Be sure to use facts and details from both passages to support your essay. Follow conventions of standard written English.
What are some characteristics of informative / explanatory text?
Read Titanic Text for Class Mentor Essay
Class Mentor Prompt You have read two texts: Aboard the Titanic and R.M.S. Titanic. The Titanic was an amazing cruise ship. Write an essay explaining why the Titanic was remarkable ship. Be sure to use facts and details from both passages to support your essay. Follow conventions of standard written English.
Writing an Explanatory Essay Student Unit Objective: I can write an explanatory essay. Student objective: I can write an introduction for an explanatory essay.
I can write an introduction to explanatory essay.
Introduction Attention Grabber Titles and Authors 1-2 sentences on background on your topic Thesis Statement
Identify the Parts Being president of the United States is the highest job in America. Many seek it, but only a few achieve it. “Becoming President” and “Four Years” discuss the many jobs of the President of the United States. The President has many jobs including leading our country, building positive relationships with other countries, and protecting our country.
Let’s write our introduction to our Class Mentor Essay
Class Mentor Prompt You have read two texts: Aboard the Titanic and R.M.S. Titanic. The Titanic was an amazing cruise ship. Write an essay explaining why the Titanic was remarkable ship. Be sure to use facts and details from both passages to support your essay. Follow conventions of standard written English.
Body Paragraphs
Writing an Explanatory Essay Student Unit Objective: I can write an explanatory essay. Student objective: I can write a body paragraph supported by facts and details to an explantory essay.
I can write a body paragraph supported by facts and details for explanatory essay.
Each Body Paragraph Headings Topic Sentence Cite evidence to support your topic sentence. Explain your evidence Use transitional words
An excerpt from an mentor essay… How are headings used to organize the information in this essay?
Class Mentor Prompt You have read two texts: Aboard the Titanic and R.M.S. Titanic. The Titanic was an amazing cruise ship. Write an essay explaining why the Titanic was remarkable ship. Be sure to use facts and details from both passages to support your essay. Follow conventions of standard written English.
Let’s write a body paragraph to our Class Mentor Essay
Writing an Explanatory Essay Student Unit Objective: I can write an explanatory essay. Student objective: I can write an conclusion paragraph for an explamatory essay.
I can write a conclusion paragraph for explanatory essay.
Conclusion Restate Thesis statement (1-2 sentences which restate the thesis in a new way) Summary of your body The Clincher, or Final Thought
Let’s write our conclusion to our Class Mentor Essay