TGg Report to 802.11 WG September 22, 2000 Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx September 2000 TGg Report to 802.11 WG September 22, 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Ph.D. TGg Chairperson Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments John Doe, His Company
September 2000 Official Documents HRbSG/TGg has completed and adopted the following documents: Selection Procedure 00-209r3 Functional Requirement 00-210r4 Comparison Criteria 00-211r9 Moved to adopt these documents in TGg by Carl Andren, Second Andre Martin, Approved 20-0-1 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments
Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx September 2000 Call for Proposals TGg discussed and passed a motion calling for issuance of a Call for Proposals including Deadline for notification of intent to propose of Monday, October 30, 2000 at 11:59PM EST Deadline for submission of proposal to TGg of Monday, November 6, 2000 at 11:59PM EST Motion made by Mark Webster, Seconded by Ivan Reede, Passed 18-0-0 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments John Doe, His Company
Regulatory Motion passed as follows: September 2000 Regulatory Motion passed as follows: The TGg and Ad Hoc Regulatory Group jointly schedule a telephone conference call with the OET at the FCC for the November meeting to obtain FCC perspectives on the processing gain and other relevant issues and to schedule conference calls of TGg and Ad Hoc Reg. to determine the agenda for the FCC conference call. The TGg requests participation of the 802.11 WG chairperson in these meetings. Moved by Jim Zyren, Seconded Jan Boer, Motion Passed: 13-0-1 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments
Submissions Spectral Mask Considerations IEEE 802.11 FCC Liaison September 2000 Submissions Spectral Mask Considerations Mark Webster and Karen Halford, Intersil Doc.: 00-283 IEEE 802.11 FCC Liaison Jim Zyren, Intersil Doc: 00-323 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments
Objectives for Next Meeting September 2000 Objectives for Next Meeting Accept proposals Continue with our Selection Procedure Hear proposals, compile comparison criteria, etc. View of the TGg chairperson is that the furthest TGg could possibly make it through the Selection Procedure during the November 2000 meeting is the 25%, low hurdle vote (Item 13) of the Selection Procedure Take up liaison with external organizations, e.g. ISO, IEEE SCC34, IEC TC106, etc. Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments