No document Ag 08 ESA2010 (SNA 2008)


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Presentation transcript:

No document Ag 08 ESA2010 (SNA 2008) Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 24th & 25th March 2014

Transition from ESA1995 to ESA2010 Reg.549/2013 published in OJ 26 June 2013 Data transmission compliance from Sept.2014 Reminder of main method changes Impact of method changes on total GDP (source: technical briefing January 2014) Main component: capitalisation of research and development (explains 80% of the movement) Potential impact on relative rankings for A65

Reminder of main method changes (1) Capitalisation of research and development expenditure, instead of "intermediate consumption" Capitalisation of military equipment, instead of "intermediate consumption" Goods sent abroad for processing now only an export if ownership changes. Instead, reimport includes value of processing service done.

Reminder of main method changes (2) Value of liability of unfunded pension schemes now recognised as well as funded schemes New formula for non-life insurance premiums and claims, smooths impact of catastrophes. Other changes include reclassification of units, etc. which affect components of public deficit. Modify data transmission programme to Eurostat by MS (expanded content, earlier deadlines)

Impact of ESA2010 on total GDP value – estimates for 2011 No. Member States Share EU 0% < x < +1% 5 LV, LT, HU, PL, RO 5.1% +1% < x < +2% 10 CZ, EE, IE, ES, IT, LU, MT, PT, SI, SK 25.6% +2% < x < +3% 4 BE, DK, DE, FR 41.7% +3% < x < +4% 3 NL, AT, UK 20.8% +4% < x < +5% 2 FI, SE 4.5% No reply BG, EL, CY, HY 2.3% +2.4% 28 EU total 100.0%

Impact on relative rankings … important for A65 exercise Depends on impact of transition ESA95 to ESA2010 for individual country (and how future economic situation develops!) Countries where estimated impact on total GDP is less than impact for EU as a whole may have lower weight in future A65 calculation ... … and countries where impact is higher may have greater weight in future A65 calculation Lower: ES, IT, LU, PL Similar: BE, DE, FR Higher: NL, AT, SE, UK

To put these changes in context… Revisions are common as methods improve Many MS are taking opportunity of ESA2010 introduction to make additional changes eg. March 2014 meeting of Directors of Macro- economic Statistics (DMES) NL +7% (total impact)