Navigation Tip – Where are My Proposals/Awards Listed? Demo for Resource Analysts Presented by: Cynthia Sylvester 6/16/2015
Which list should I look on? Proposals and Awards might be listed in more than one place. Knowing where to look can save you time and frustration.
Global Lists vs. Personal Lists
Global List – Awards Global awards includes all awards across the Lab. All Awards = the most comprehensive, regardless of state Awards in Preparation = awards not yet active in PS Awards = excludes awards in preparation
Global List – Proposals Global proposals list includes all proposals across the Lab. All Proposals = the most comprehensive, regardless of state. Proposal in Progress = not yet submitted to sponsor Submitted = submitted to sponsor, but not yet awarded Awarded = awarded or added to existing awards Rejected = rejected by the sponsor Discontinued –discontinued by the RA or PI
Why search the Global lists? The ability to filter by division is very useful for those working with multiple divisions. To see listings outside my own division. To find a proposal or award where I need to add myself as a Resource Analyst.
Personal Lists – Proposals & Awards Personal Workspace = My Home Proposals and Awards where I am named as a Resource Analyst My Inbox = where I can or should take action Proposals = comprehensive list of proposals Awards in Preparation = award preparation started by the CO Awards = comprehensive list of awards Award Mods = comprehensive list of modifications not yet approved My Sponsor Requests = sponsor requests
My Home ≠ My Inbox My Inbox = where I can or should take action Funding Proposals = a state where the RA can edit Award Deliverables = deliverables where the RA is owner or co- owner Award Modifications = a state where the RA can edit
My Home ≠ My Inbox My Inbox = where I can or should take action Funding Proposals = a state where the RA can edit Award Deliverables = deliverables where the RA is owner or co- owner Award Modifications = a state where the RA can edit
So, Where Should I Look? If you need to filter and search, use the global comprehensive lists. If you know action is needed, look in your inbox. If you want to scroll for something you remember, use your personal comprehensive lists.