The Amazing Rain Forest By: Madison Vinyard And Dominique Velasco
What is a rain forest? The rain forest is a land that has a lot of trees, animals, and plants. The rain forest is a habitat to many plants and animals.
Location of Rain Forests Some rain forest are located in Asia.There are some rain forest on Asia’s islands. The biggest rain forest is in South America. There are some rain forest in Africa. There is also one in Hawaii.
Emergent Layer In the Emergent layer there are many animals like the harpy eagle, butterflies, and a lot birds such as toucans and macaws. There are tall trees that grow into the emergent layer. In the emergent layer the trees are the oldest in the rain forest. There are also some mammals the live in the emergent layer such as the spider monkey and the three toed sloth.
Canopy Layer The canopy layer has many animals too, such as the green iguana, bees, spider monkey, three toed sloth, and the jaguar. This layer has the tops of most of the trees.
Understory Layer There are many plants such as the rosy periwinkle and the bromeliad. There are many animals too such as the spider, emerald tree boa, red-eyed tree frog. The trees from the understory layer grow to the emergent layer.
Forest Floor There is a flower in the forest floor called the rafflesia. There are also a lot of insects and animals such as the giant earth worm, giant armadillo, and Honduran milk snake. There are also many roots in the forest floor.
Rain forest turtles
Deforestation People are destroying the rainforest. They chop down many trees. They take many things from the rain forest and some stuff they take can’t grow again. When people remove trees, the soil from the rain forest washes away. New trees can’t grow ever again.
People of the Rain Forest There are many people in the rain forest. There are tribes that live in the rain forest. The people in the rain forest live in a clearing on the forest floor.
Conclusion We can all save the rain forest if we don’t cut down the trees or take things out of it.