First half review Thursday, December 14th
Sexual Harassment, continued Please list all the examples of sexual harassment that you can think of
What does it mean to work in America Many jobs are broken down by industry People often work in one type of industry most of their lives Qualification is key to obtaining a good job What makes you qualified for a job?
Industries Education Private Sector Nonprofit Healthcare Construction Manufacturing Food Entertainment
Public vs. Private Sector Institutions run by individuals or groups are in the private sector The public sector is the part of the economy concerned with providing various governmental services.
Blue Collar vs. White Collar Most jobs can be broken down into two categories – blue collar or white collar Blue collar generally means working in manual labor White collar generally means working in an office setting
Full Time vs. Part Time Generally, if you work less than 30 hours, you are a part time employee If you work more, you are a full time employee Different shifts can pay more Examples?
Where can you find jobs There are numerous websites where you can find jobs Important to note the qualifications setting
Resources online Indeed Idealist Career Builder Craigslist LinkedIn Let’s explore
“Think outside the box” What it means Thinking creatively about a solution
“Get your foot in the door” What it means To make a connection. A good start with an employer, even if you don’t get immediate results
“Bite the bullet” What it means Deciding to do something difficult that needs to get done
“Apples to apples/apples to oranges” What it means Comparing things that are alike You may also hear That’s like comparing apples to oranges
“It’s on my radar” What it means I’m aware of it and I’ll get around to it
“Par for the course” What it means It’s consistent with what’s expected
“Back to the drawing board” What it means Time to rethink this. Previous idea didn’t work.
“Elephant in the room” What it means Something obvious that no one is talking about. Usually something people don’t want to acknowledge.
“Let’s connect offline” What it means Let’s meet individually and not waste everyone else’s time.
“Move the needle” What it means Making a noticeable difference
“Bang for the buck” What it means Getting the most out of your money
The Glass Ceiling “an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities.” What contributes to this?