ITEM 4 - PROPOSALS OF THE TASK FORCE TO UPDATE THE TUS GUIDELINES Luis del Barrio ( Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
THE TASK FORCE Established by the WG in June 2005 10 Member States Met four times TF met four times: One in 2005 (November) Another time in 2006 (March) Twice in 2007 (June and November) Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
PROPOSALS BASED ON: Answers to the consultation Report of the TF on Core Social Variables Setting up of the harmonized database TF discussions Goal of the TF on Core Social Variables: propose a limited number of core statistical variables for their systematic introduction in all EU social surveys. The basic working principles of the TF have been to arrive to a common basis acceptable for all the countries to facilitate and simplify future developments of the harmonized database Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
PROPOSALS. MAIN CHANGES IN: Household and individual variables Location/transport mode With whom column Coding of journeys Questions on children/partner (open point) Activity coding list (point 5 of the agenda) Weekly schedule of working time (point 6 of the agenda) Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
PROPOSALS. SMALL CHANGES IN: Postponement of diary days Questions at the end of the diary Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
PROPOSALS. NO CHANGES IN: Number of diary days Treatment of peculiar days Population coverage (clarification in annex 4) Diary forms: number of versions, ten minutes slot, main and secondary column Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
HOUSEHOLD AND INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES New variables Deleted variables Modified variables General TF agreement except status (core/voluntary) of ILO unemployment questions Knowing that the TUS is a voluntary exercise, special efforts should be made to provide core variables Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
COMMENTS ON NEW VARIABLES? Table 1 (page 3 of the document) Seven new variables 3 of them proposed by the TF on CSV. CORE -Region of residence Degree of urbanisation Country of birth 3 results from TUS TF discussions. CORE -Internet connection -Number of weekly hours usually worked -Net monthly individual income 1 from the consultation. VOLUNTARY: Car or motorbike driving licence. Distinction between variables requested and how to get them: income and hours Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
COMMENTS ON DELETED HH VARIABLES? Table 2. First part (page 4 of the document) 6 variables to be deleted in the HH questionnaire, which imply a total of 39 questions H7: 1 H8: 2 H9g: 1 H9h: 1 H17: 1 H20: 33 Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
COMMENTS ON DELETED IND VARIABLES? Table 2. Second part (page 4 of the document) 11 variables in the IND questionnaire which imply 89 questions: Voluntary work (I33): 42 questions Give help and services to others (I34 and I35): 34 questions Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
COMMENTS ON MODIFIED HH VARIABLES? Table 3. First part (page 5 of the document) 7 modified variables in the HH questionnaire: 2 apply recommendations of the TF on CSV 5 result from the discussions of the TUS TF Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
COMMENTS ON MODIFIED IND VARIABLES? Table 3. Second part (pages 5 and 6 of the document) 5 modified variables in the IND questionnaire. All apply recommendations of the TF on CSV. Special discussion of highest level of education Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION OR TRAINING (CORE) I 29 Which is the highest level of education or training you have successfully completed? - No formal education or below ISCED 1 (01) - ISCED 1 – Primary education (11) - ISCED 2- Lower secondary education (21) - ISCED 3 – Upper secondary education (30) - Of which ISCED 3c short (shorter than 2 years) (22) - ISCED 4 – Post secondary education but not tertiary (40) - ISCED 5 – Tertiary education, first stage (50) - ISCED 6 - Tertiary education, second stage (60) (TUS core. Code 22 core, if important in the country) If the one digit coding is applied, level ISCED 3c (shorter than 2 years) should be distinguished to allow comparisons with the simplest LFS education categories: "Low", "Medium" and "High". This distinction is strongly recommended in countries where that code is important. Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION OR TRAINING (VOLUNTARY AND RECOMM.) I 29 Which is the highest level of education or training you have successfully completed? - No formal education or below ISCED 1 (01) - ISCED 1 – Primary education (11) - ISCED 2- Lower secondary education (21) - ISCED 3 c (shorter than 2 years) (22) - ISCED 3 c (2 years or more) (31) - ISCED 3 a, b (32) - ISCED 3 (2 years or more without distinction a, b or c possible) (39) - ISCED 4 a, b (41) - ISCED 4 c (42) - ISCED 4 (without distinction a, b or c possible) (43) - ISCED 5 a (51) - ISCED 5 b (52) - ISCED 6 (60) (TUS voluntary and recommended) Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
COMMENTS ILO UNEMPLOYMENT QUESTIONS? Status (Core/Voluntary) of questions on ILO unemployment? Looked for a job (last 4 weeks)? Methods used Availability to start a job (next 2 weeks) There are two main reasons to be core: unemployment estimation should be in line with the labour force survey continuity with the past (HETUS 2000: mandatory) Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
OTHER ASPECTS OF THE HH AND IND QUESTIONNAIRES Application of new NACE rev.2 new ISCO-08 (point 9 of the agenda) Proposal for the new household and individual questionnaires in annex 2 ISCO-08 rule: if there is no national common reference year for all statistical domains, it is advisable to apply ISCO-08 not earlier than in the LFS or EU-SILC Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
LOCATION/TRANSPORT MODE (I) New column in the diary Simplify the codification Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
LOCATION/TRANSPORT MODE (II) PUBLIC TRANSPORT: One code for all public transports PRIVATE TRANSPORT: Travelling by lorry, van or tractor included with the other private transport UNSPECIFIED: Merge the unspecified private and public transport in one “unspecified” code LOCATION: Merge home and second home New code “Shopping centres, markets, other shops” COMMENTS? Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
WITH WHOM COLUMN More detailed codification: Alone Other household members: Partner Parent Child/Brother or sister Other household members Other persons that you know Comments? Current answers are not very useful: Alone Children up to 9 living in the HH Other HH members Other persons that you know PROPOSAL: Delete “Children up to 9 years old living in the HH” Add three new codes: partner, parent, Child/Brother or sister Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
CODING OF JOURNEYS (I) Several countries requested a simplification of the definition But comparability kept as much as possible Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
CODING OF JOURNEYS (II) Current HETUS definition based on concept of turning point. UK: next stop DE: turning point, except if no clear turning point (next stop) Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
CODING OF JOURNEYS (III) UK and DE practices were tested by EE, SE and IT UK practice implies a major change: travel related to work: decrease travel related to childcare: increase DE is quite close to current HETUS (all examples except 4: same codification). No big impact in figures. Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
CODING OF JOURNEYS (IV) Example 4: 936 Travel related to shopping and services 952 Travel related to entertainment and culture 942 Travel related to informal help 938 Transporting a child Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
CODING OF JOURNEYS. PROPOSAL Apply DE practice Comments? Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
POSTPONEMENT OF DIARY DAYS Extent postponement up to three weeks (instead of two) Soften requirement when not all members of the households are available the same designated day. Allow up to three weeks. Comments? The rationale for the first recommendation: increase respond rate The rationale for the second recommendation is the fact that individuals are the basis of nearly all tabulations and analysis. Household data is only marginally used. Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
QUESTIONS AT THE END OF THE DIARY Change: “Were you at home or somewhere else at the start/end of the diary day“ By “What time did you start/end the activity you were doing at the beginning/end of this diary?” Eliminate censorship Status of new questions: voluntary Proposal for a new adult diary in annex 3 Comments? Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
PROPOSALS. NO CHANGES IN: Number of diary days Treatment of peculiar days Population coverage (clarification in annex 4) Diary forms: number of versions, ten minutes slot, main and secondary column Comments? Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/08 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008