Pre-reading Survey The Scarlet Letter
Get out a piece of scratch paper and number it one through 10. For each of these statements, write either “agree” or “disagree”. Obviously you may not feel completely certain but you must choose one or the other.
1) “Freedom of Religion” and “Freedom from Religion” are the same thing.
2) Women who are unmarried and have a child are looked at by our society as less respectable than mothers who are married.
3) Women who are unmarried and have a child should be thought of as less respectable than married mothers.
4) Ministers (or the comparative heads of any given religious organization) typically commit far fewer sins than the average man or woman.
5) People who commit adultery should be publicly humiliated and/or put in jail.
6) Public humiliation is an effective deterrent to crime.
7) There are circumstances where a person should be forced to tell their secrets even if they don’t want to.
8) A child raised by a single mother is at a disadvantage in our society as compared to a child raised in a two parent home.
9) Adultery reflects more poorly on a woman than a man because it’s more expected than a man would seek relationships outside his marriage.
10) Sexual gratification is the primary reason a married person would have an affair.