Questions for Final Discussion The Scarlet Letter Questions for Final Discussion
R E D E M P T I O N (look this word up) 1. In the world of the The Scarlet Letter, there is a relationship between punishment and redemption. What is it? Do you think this is true in real life? 2. In the context of redemption, what, if anything, does The Scarlet Letter tell us about the transforming power of love? About hate? 3. Does Hester truly repent for her sin or does she simply accept her punishment? If Hester does not repent her sin, what value prevents her from doing this? 4. Why won't Hester name her partner in sin? Consider the concept of redemption.
R O M A N T I C R E L A T I O N S H I P S 1. Why do people cheat on their significant others? 2. Does Dimmesdale truly love Hester? *If so, how can he allow her to bear her punishment alone? *If not, why confess his sin and acknowledge them in the end? 3. Why does Hester remain true to Dimmesdale? Should she have moved away or identified him as the father?
R E V E N G E 1. In the world of The Scarlet Letter, who has the right to punish? What happens when a person without the right to punish attempts to do so? Do the lessons of this novel about who has the right to punish apply to modern life? 2. What does The Scarlet Letter tell us about the transforming power of hatred?
R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 1. Discuss the legitimacy of Dimmesdale telling himself that he would be abandoning his responsibility to his parishioners if he acknowledged his sin and stood by Hester. 2. Does Hester have a responsibility to protect Dimmesdale? 3. Which character(s) bear the most responsibility in the novel? 4. The authorities tell the townspeople a blatant lie when they say that Dimmesdale had no letter on his chest at all, and that he confessed not for a personal sin, but simply to teach his flock that all men are born sinners. Why would they do this?