Tuesday, January 30th.


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Presentation transcript:

Tuesday, January 30th

Agenda English 1: English 3 Honors: English 3: Comparative Essay – Day 2 English 3 Honors: Study Guide Handout Gatsby – Ch. 1 English 3: Survival Activity Agenda

English 1 If you were absent yesterday: Today: If you finish: Get a laptop and login to your Google Account Open a new Google Doc in the Google Drive Title it “Last Name, First Name_Period #” The essay instructions can be found on our class webpage under January 29th at: http://nsbhigh.com/staff/burnside-jason Today: Continue writing your essays Make sure you have at LEAST two similarities and two differences Pay attention to your word count (click on “tools” then “word count”) If you finish: Share the document with me (MrBurnsideEnglish@gmail.com) Tomorrow is the LAST DAY we will be writing this essay in class English 1

English 3 Honors Gatsby Study Guide: Reading Schedule: Summative: Must be completed after reading each chapter. SG’s are due before each reading quiz Reading Schedule: Ch. 1 – 3, Quiz Ch. 4 – 6, Quiz Ch. 7 – 9, Quiz Summative: English 3 Honors

English 3 Honors The Great Gatsby Chapter 1 Pg. 1 – 21 Day 1: Pg. 1 – 14 (top sentence, “’Yes, things went from…”) Please do not bend, write in, fold pages, or tear off anything in these books. Also, these books DO NOT leave the classroom for any reason, so please do not take them with you when you leave. Map of the “Eggs” https://www.thinglink.com/scene/847210011212906497 Audio Link: http://esl-bits.net/Books/The_Great_Gatsby/ Parts 1 & 2 English 3 Honors

Group Survival Activity English 3

“Lost At Sea” English 3

“Lost At Sea” Pick a group, and have a seat at one of the desks (No groups larger than 3) Designate one person to be the final list maker, that person will need a piece of paper and a pen. I will read the instructions and the set up to everyone. You will then have 12 minutes to come up with your group’s list of 6 items that you feel will best help you to survive. Remember, this is a competition, so keep your voices down!


Mosquito Netting

Case of Army C Rations

20 Square Feet of Opaque Plastic

Fishing Kit

May The Best Team Win!!

Group Scores Group 1: SCORE: % Group 2: SCORE: % Group 3: SCORE: %