ASSERT: System Level Wireless Networking Testbed 11/22/2018 ASSERT: System Level Wireless Networking Testbed Ehsan Nourbakhsh, Jeff Dix, Paul Johnson, Ryan Burchfield, S. Venkatesan, Neeraj Mittal, and Ravi Prakash Distributed Systems Laboratory The University of Texas at Dallas
Research in wireless networking and distributed systems 11/22/2018 DSLab @ UTD Research in wireless networking and distributed systems MAC layer protocols Autoconfiguration Routing Transport layer MANET/VANET/SensorNets Algorithm design, simulations, implementation Before we dive into the design of the testbed it is better to understand WHY we want the testbed. Our research group works in these fields. LIST Increasing awareness the simulators for these technologies have there unique simplifying assumptions and differences. (Cavin et al.) D. Cavin, Y. Sasson, and A. Schiper, “On the Accuracy of MANET Simulators,” in Proceedings of the Second ACM International Workshop on Principles of Mobile Computing (POMC), 2002, pp. 38–43 5/19/2010
Goals of Wireless Networking Experiments 11/22/2018 Goals of Wireless Networking Experiments Accuracy Controllability Mobility Repeatability Cost effectiveness Data collection Resource sharing Multi-nodal capability Scalability With those uses in mind our goal was to develop a flexible wireless network testbed with fewer assumptions. We specifically enumerated these goals. 5/19/2010
Wireless Experiment Fidelity Outdoor: Softball Field Public Park Indoor: EE to CS CS to EE Coaxial Testbed: 5/19/2010
Testbed: Site Conceptual View 11/22/2018 Testbed: Site Conceptual View Each site will be a minimal linux device, controlling a unit under test; multiple RF links to neighbors in a “grid”; controlled by a bigger testbed control; controlling attenuators will control the way connections to neighbors is seen by UUT hence a topology is shaped; 5/19/2010 5
Testbed: Site Hardware View 11/22/2018 Testbed: Site Hardware View 5/19/2010
Example Interconnection 5/19/2010
11/22/2018 Digital Board 5/19/2010
11/22/2018 RF Board 5/19/2010
Assembled Testbed 5/19/2010
Testbed Site 5/19/2010
Testbed: Software Architecture 11/22/2018 Testbed: Software Architecture 5/19/2010 12
Software Architecture 11/22/2018 Software Architecture Diagnostics Test links and sites between experiments. Update the View of test-bed. User Interface Show a GUI to user for designing and initiating experiments. Web based. Stateless. 5/19/2010
Software Architecture (cont.) 11/22/2018 Software Architecture (cont.) Topology Mapper Map the request of user to currently available sites. Instruct how to change attenuation levels to emulate different scenarios. Reservation Reserve available sites for specific experiment. Inform control center of expired sites. Handle cancellations. 5/19/2010
Software Architecture (cont.) 11/22/2018 Software Architecture (cont.) Attenuator Control Set attenuation value on sites Handle requests to set attenuation values UUT Control Communicate with UUT to start and end experiments. System state is intentionally stale, uses heartbeat messages to update periodically as it goes 5/19/2010 15
Software Architecture (cont.) 11/22/2018 Software Architecture (cont.) System State Database of system condition Sites Links Experiments Logging Log software messages Internal to test-bed control 5/19/2010
… … … … Experiment Setup Testbed Super-Graph Testbed Super-Graph ∞ δ Testbed Super-Graph … Experiment Desired Topology … … 5/19/2010
Mobility Base Station Atten. UUT/CPE Atten. 5/19/2010
Scalable Architecture No replacement for field-tests Future work 11/22/2018 Conclusion Platform for: Repeatable experiments Mobility experiments Protocol stress testing Heterogeneous nodes Scalable Architecture No replacement for field-tests Future work Multi-path effects MIMO Greater range of frequency bands External users Information: Email: 5/19/2010