Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors 26th NATIONAL RADON CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION JARED W. THOMPSON CHAIRPERSON, CRCPD September 19, 2016 San Diego, California
IAEA Practical Arrangement CRCPD and IAEA are working toward a Practical Arrangement for working collaboratively in the development and sharing of information in the areas of: 1. Reduction of radiation exposure from radon. 2. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials impacting the environment, public and occupational workers. 3. Radiation protection and safety of patients in new emerging technologies used in medicine.
INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES Ruth McBurney , CRCPD Executive Director will participate in the IAEA General Conference and sign the formal Practical Arrangement with IAEA on September 28, 2016. Pat Daniels, CRCPD E-25 Chair and Tony Colgan, IAEA Radiation Protection Unit Head are the contacts for CRCPD and IAEA interactions. E-25 Committee on Radon and Suggested State Regulations Part R-Radon will be active in this international arrangement. Practical Arrangement allows for mutual exchange of information and collaboration on Radon issues.
CRCPD AND IAEA MUTUAL INTERESTS National Radon Action Plan Radon reduction during construction of buildings and dwellings Radon in the workplace Radon in homes Physician/Patient Communication – Health risks and the synergy with smoking
Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors BULDING A STRONG PARTNERSHIP