Presentation to Cabinet Cllr Alisa Flemming 22 January 2018
School Place Planning Successful SEN Free School Bid to DfE 150 places for children with ASD aged 2-19 years providing a local pathway for children from early years to adulthood to open in September 2020 Local provision providing high quality places: Children no longer need to travel out of Borough for this provision Expert outreach to support pupils with ASD in other schools There are currently 292 children pre-16 with an EHCP educated out of Borough and 309 post-16. Of these 104 pre-16’s have a diagnosis of ASD and 88 are post-16.
Additional SEN places capacity 150 places expansion in other SEN schools in the Borough to meet demand and reduce the need for children to travel out of Borough Post-16 provision SEN proposal for Croydon College to provide better pathways to employment Increase in Enhanced Learning Provision places by 17 to make a total of 290
New primary build for central Croydon Heathfield Academy and Harris Academy Purley Way opened in September 2017 on their permanent sites Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 at Heathfield at the moment Reception and Year 1 at Harris Purley Way Add slide on applications and % place preferences
Inspection outcomes headlines 90% secondary good or better 87% primary good or better 100% SEN good or better 100% PRU good or better 47% of Croydon’s children attend an outstanding secondary school (national average = 27%)
Standards Headlines Above national for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Letter from Nick Gibb - 1 of 10 most improved LAs for phonics screening check Above national Progress 8 (key league table measure) at Key Stage 4 Significantly above national Average Points Score for Key Stage 5 Outcomes for Early Years are now above national, statistical neighbours and London Progress 8 = meaures the progress pupils have made from the end of Key Stage 2 to the end of Key Stage 4. The 8 subjects included in the measure are English and maths (which are double weighted), three Ebacc subjects (sciences, languages and history or geography) plus any other 3 subjects.