____________________ is the __________ that a particular _________________ It can be written as a: Fraction ____ Percent ____ Ratio ____
COIN FLIP capital There are 2 possible outcomes: HEADS TAILS COIN FLIP There are 2 possible outcomes: HEADS TAILS capital The chance the coin will land on either one is: ____ ____ ____ Alleles segregate randomly just like a coin flip. . . So can use probability to predict outcomes of genetic crosses.
PROBABILITIES _____ outcomes ______ affect _________ones _____________works ______ in ___________ a ________ number of events. If last coin flip was heads… there is still a 50/50 chance the next flip will be heads too. The more flips. . . The closer results will be to the expected 50:50 average.
DOMINANT/RECESSIVE _____________ allele is represented by a ____________ letter. (usually the first letter of the trait) ____________ allele is represented by the SAME _________________ letter. EX: Tall = ______ Short =______
HOMOZYGOUS HETEROZYGOUS When both alleles in the pair are the _______, the organism is _______________ or __________ EX: ____ or ___ When both alleles in the pair are _____________, the organism is _________________ or _____________ Ex: ____
PHENOTYPE/GENOTYPE The ________________ of an organism is its _____________ The ____________of an organism is its _____________
MAKING A CROSS for only a __________ trait = ____________________ A Punnett square for a MONOHYBRID CROSS looks like this:
PUNNETT SQUARES are used to show possible offspring from a cross between 2 parents _______________ go at top and on left side Boxes show ____________ ___________________ T T T t
STEPS FOR MAKING CROSSES 1. ___________ what _________________ are 2. ________correct__________ square __________ 3. ______ possible_______________________ 4. ______ boxes with _____________________ 5. Determine ____________of_____________& ____________
TALL = ____ SHORT = ____ IN PEA PLANTS Tall is dominant over short LET’S MAKE A CROSS! PURE TALL PURE SHORT
PURE TALL parent What are the parent alleles? What gametes can it make?
PURE SHORT parent What are the parent alleles? What gametes can it make?
_____ of the offspring ____ % ___/4 will be GENOTYPE _____ PHENOTYPE _______
HYBRID TALL parent What are the parent alleles? What gametes can it make?
GENOTYPES ¼ = _____ ½ = _____ PHENOTYPES ____ or ____% _________
PRACTICE MAKING GAMETES for a MONOHYBRID CROSS Tall = ____ Round seeds = ___ Short = ____ Wrinkled seeds = ___
What are the possible gametes? Homozygous Tall parent = What gametes can it produce?
What are the possible gametes? PURE wrinkled parent = What gametes can it produce?
What are the possible gametes? Heterozygous Round parent = What gametes can it produce?
What are the possible gametes? Hybrid Tall parent = What gametes can it produce?