Unit 1 Review True/Not True Digital Citizenship Unit 1 Review True/Not True
The agreement that’s students and parent’s sign that describes the school district’s online policy is known as the AUP. True… It is the Acceptable Use Policy and must be signed so that you can use the internet at school.
Everything you do on your electronic devices at home is acceptable to do at school. False… Not everything you are allowed to do at home is acceptable while at school.
The use of school technology is a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE. False… It is a privilege that can be suspended or taken away. You must use school technology in an acceptable manner.
The school district blocks inappropriate things from appearing on your screen when you are online. True… The school district does have filters that protect users from viewing inappropriate things. However, it is impossible to block everything that is inappropriate.
If you see something inappropriate on your computer, you should quickly shut down your browser window? False… Shut off your monitor or close your chromebook and tell an adult.
True… This is an incredible dangerous and stupid thing to do You should never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, EVER agree to meet someone in person that you met online. True… This is an incredible dangerous and stupid thing to do
If someone is rude to you or uses bad language with you, you should respond to the message with rude statements False… DO NOT RESPOND! And gather evidence of their behavior and tell an adult.
It is ok to post information or a picture of someone else without their permission. False… You may not post information about another person without their permission.
False… You may not login using another persons login information. If you forget your login information, it is ok to use your friend’s login until yours can be reset. False… You may not login using another persons login information.
True… It is dangerous to post your personal information online.. When visiting a website or social networking site, you should never post your personal information such as name, grade, address, age or phone number. True… It is dangerous to post your personal information online..
True… You may lose internet privileges and/or worse. If you use a computer or electronic device in an inappropriate manner at school, there will be consequences. True… You may lose internet privileges and/or worse.
Bullying is as simple as someone being mean to you. False… Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. True… Cyberbullying can consist of text messages, embarrassing information, pictures, videos, etc… and can occur on social media or websites.
If you think that you have been a victim of cyberbullying, you should keep the evidence and tell an adult. True… Taking screen shots, saving text messages, blocking the bully online, and telling an adult are steps you should take when being bullied.
TV, Radio, and Newspapers are examples of traditional media. True
Digital Media includes information, music, pictures, and videos you view online. True
Digital media is used as “one-way media” that you can only be read, listened to, or watched. False – Digital Media is social. People make relationships, join communities, and have the opportunity for self-expression
24/7 - Digital Media is part of our culture. True