TRAINING AT THE CITY OF PARIS 25 September 2012 The Norwegian delegation.


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Presentation transcript:

TRAINING AT THE CITY OF PARIS 25 September 2012 The Norwegian delegation

Context: The Human resources policy at the City of Paris 51,000 civil servants A (senior management): 13% B (middle management): 18% C (workforce): 69% 55% female personnel More than 200 professions The Training Bureau is embedded in the Senior Management Department and the Change Management Office. Its role is to accompany the personnel and the departments throughout the change process and to promote competency development.

Training: some key facts Achievements in ,470 civil servants trained, 176,677 training days 44% men, 56% women Cat A: 14%, cat B: 20%, cat C: 66% 3.27% of the workforce 99% of budget spent

Training: driven by the DHR and deployed through a network covering all departments A central office in the DHR: 50 staff and 21 trainers. 80 training managers deployed in the departments. One of the main in-house networks at the City of Paris.

The DHR Training Bureau Organisation of the bureau around 4 main areas Management Administrative and technical staff Workforce Reorientation and further training

A framework agreement for training at the City A framework agreement signed with staff representatives in May key strategies Promote innovation, change and reinforce the efficiency of the public services in Paris Strengthen management practices Reinforce schemes for the improvement of health, hygiene and safety Foster equality of opportunity Regular follow up meetings

Analysis by strategic orientations Promote innovation, change and reinforce the efficiency of the public services in Paris Strengthen management practices Reinforce schemes for the improvement of health, hygiene and safety Foster equality of opportunity Requests for training analysed by strategic orientation The framework agreement for training proposes four main themes that departments use to organise their training programmes

RELATIONS BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENTS AND THE TRAINING BUREAU 2 online catalogues on intranet ensure that the training on offer reaches a wide public The timetable for collecting requests for training: Collecting training requests from personnel: July-October Analysis and consolidation by the departments: November Presentation of department training plans to staff representatives before the end of year Transmission of department needs to the DHR before the end of December The Training Bureau produces its plan before the end of January Assignment of funds in January

Collective improvement projects A tool for departments wishing to modernise their organisation. A collective approach 11 departments involved in 2012 (3 in 2010) The personnel and the teams involved: Car drivers Managers in charge of buildings, gardens, cleaning, childcare centres What was reorganised: The department in charge of safety Procurement at the City 2 phases: audit followed by training

A training and documentation centre 20 training rooms, 107 computers, video projection An auditorium with 200 seats A total capacity of 700 people

And what about tomorrow? Renegotiate the framework agreement which expires in May 2013 Develop e-learning courses