Dev Sanskriti VishwaVidyalaya Gaytrikunj, Shantikunj, Haridwar, UttaraKhand TIME MANAGEMENT Love All, Serve All, Help Ever, Hurt Never.
“My God, do you realize the year’s half over?”
Coverage Advantages of good time management. 2. Current time management skills. 3. Goal-setting and ‘to-do’ lists. 4. Time management scheduling. 5. Overcoming procrastination.
Focus questions What are the reasons for poor time management? What are the advantages of good time management? Brainstorm.
Reasons for poor time management Lack of clarity about tasks. Feeling overwhelmed. Fallacious beliefs (“I’m too smart”). Thinking, “It’s too hard.”
Advantages of good time management It saves time. Increased effectiveness and efficiency. Prevents stress and anxiety. Reduces avoidance. Leads to more balance.
Exercise Analyze your time management skills. List strategies for areas that need work. Discuss.
Two main principles Strengths and weaknesses : As a student: Know your strengths and weaknesses. 2. Know what is required of you. Strengths and weaknesses : Know how you spend your time. Know when, where and how you work most effectively and efficiently.
Identify your ‘macro’ strengths and weaknesses. Exercise Identify your ‘macro’ strengths and weaknesses. Analyze when you work best. (Morning, day, night etc.) Analyze where you work best. (Room, home, library etc.) Analyze how you work best. (One hour on, ten minutes off, etc.)
Goal-setting Setting goals is important for time management. Goals must be : ‘S M A R T’ Specific Measurable Action-oriented Realistic Time- and resource-constrained
Action Before Motivation
‘To-do’ lists ‘To-do’ lists will help you clarify what you need to accomplish each day. They also help you to accomplish it!
‘To-do’ lists List your activities for the day. Priorities those activities. Check for activities that you can accomplish at the same time. Break larger tasks into smaller ones. Include your to-do list in your daily schedule.
Know what is required of you Know your assessment requirements. Make a long-range (semester) schedule by starting backwards from each deadline. Make a weekly schedule that includes hour blocks for different tasks, time for reading, research, writing, leisure etc.
Exercise Complete the Honours year programme in your workshop notes. Use this to develop your Honors completion and weekly schedules.
Honours completion schedule Account for: coursework library work, lit review, reading fieldwork/internships/experiments first, second, final drafts editing, formatting, binding
Create a weekly schedule Record time for:- Study commitments ( seminars, supervision, coursework etc.). Other core commitments ( lunch, tea, church/mosque, fitness, paid work). Chores (shopping, cooking, cleaning). Own activities (TV, pub, music, timeout).
Create a weekly schedule In the spaces that are left, factor in time for:- Library work Research work Writing Reading Topic design Note taking Coursework Thesis planning Peer discussion Crisis time
Procrastination Know your particular brand of procrastination.
Focus questions Why do you procrastinate? What is your special brand of procrastination? i.e., what do you do when you procrastinate?
Procrastination Procrastination comes through→ →Poor time management. →Difficulty concentrating. →Fear and anxiety; fear of failure. →Negative beliefs →Boredom.
Overcome procrastination by: →Recognizing your problems. →Setting realistic goals & priorities. →Acting first; *motivation will follow. *Modifying your environment.