Define: an indication of the relationship between the distances on a map and the corresponding actual distances. Map scale
Define: North, South, East, West. Cardinal directions
Define: a list that explains the symbols on a map/ map key. legends
Define: the name given to map to identify or describe it. titles
Define: an area of land that is controlled by its own government. COUNTRY
Define: a broad geographic area distinguished by similar features. REGION
Define: one of two half spheres formed by a plane through the sphere's center. HEMISPHERE
Define: the northernmost point of the earth. North pole
Define: the southernmost point of the earth. South pole
Define: an area where many people live and work. cities
Define: a main road that connects cities and towns. highways
Define: a hard flat surface for vehicles, people, and animals to travel on. roads
Define: a system of tracks on which trains travel. railroads
Define: imaginary lines that run horizontally (east to west). latitude
Define: imaginary lines that run vertically (north and south). longitude
Define: an imaginary line that divides the Earth into a Northern and Southern Hemisphere. equator
Define: An exact point on the earth's surface expressed by latitude and longitude. Absolute location
Define: A location of a place in relation to another place. Relative location
GPS-Global positioning system Define: a radio system that uses signals from satellites to tell you where you are and to give you directions to other places. GPS-Global positioning system
Define: geographic regions within which the same standard time is used. Time zones