New Teacher or Position Training 2016 - 2017
Welcome Training Goals: Review forms and binders Brief on classroom expectations Review program systems Allow for staff to ask questions and get clarification Go through program systems if needed
What System or Binders do I need? Utilize the example file to know where to file documents Utilize the Google Drive to download current documents Develop a system to remember to document all contact that is made with parents (phone, face to face, letters sent) Develop the correspondence binder with the advocate to document letters and forms sent to parents Develop a binder to store all of the returned in-kind forms from parents ( you will file them in child’s file at the end of the program year or if a child withdraws)
Other Teacher Tasks….. When a child withdraws- you need to print off all observations and the Individual child report and file it on the child development section of the file- then you email Roger & Melinda to withdraw the child Keep all of your lesson plans in a binder, they will be turned in at the end of the program Place all reading books from the Second Step kit in the kit- curriculums will be checked through out the year. Keep a notebook or binder and record briefing and debriefing meetings
Three Main Components of a Classroom Setting up and maintaining the classroom Establish structure for each day Create a classroom community
Environment: Set –up a child friendly environment (organized, clean and safe) Have clear pathways Avoid having places where children can hide Place yourself where you can see the whole classroom( avoid having your back turned) Start off with a few materials, don’t overload your room Introduce and teach children about the materials in the classroom Do not assume that children know how to use materials and that they know how to clean- role model
Routine Develop a routine from day one Everyone in the room needs to know the routine Have teacher to teacher talk to help move through transitions and events through out the day Remember Active supervision when transitioning children Allow enough time for transitions & routines Be consistent with routines & schedule Adjust routine where needed
Building a Community Work on developing Social – Emotional skills first in children Role model positive behaviors to children Speak to children at their eye level Utilize classroom rules to redirect and for praise Utilize descriptive praise with children Teach children to care for one another and for their classroom Utilize Second Step to help expand social –emotional skills
ASQ & ASQ:SE Developmental and Social – Emotional Screening Parent Orientated( allows for us to have parent input) Due 45 days of child first attendance day Parent fills out a paper copy in their language, the teachers enter info into the online system (in English) and file both in file Share results at 2nd visit Any concerns with results or with child – need to contact Sarah( have referral packets ready) Do not enter child into the online system- Child Plus will automatically enter child
TS-Gold The assessment system for the program Used to develop lesson plans, enter observations, identify children’s skill levels, develop data reports Everyone in classroom has their own log in to enter observations Random report s are ran to view who is entering observations and how many SEVERAL observations must be entered weekly on every child Per checkpoint season , every child should have a minimal one observation per area.
Observations Observations are completed daily and are tracked on a observation system( notebook, lesson plan, stickies). All documentation should be kept even after they have been entered into ts gold. HG ( home goal) will be utilized to label observations that support the home goal. TG ( teacher goal) will be utilized to label observations that support the teacher goal for the week. IEP will be utilized to label observations that support the IEP goal which should be weekly General observations also need to made on a weekly basis and do not need to be labeled. Keep observations subjective and factual, meaning only document what you actually see and hear.
Other things to remember……. Active Supervision Policy & Strategies Child interaction (everyone interacts with the children in the interest areas and outdoors) Supervise at all time: indoor, outdoor, bathroom, and bus Observations and forms in the file are in English , but can be translated for parents Address children in the language they speak to you in, but continue to introduce English and avoid the back and forth language usage Art work is a choice for a child and it is based on their creativity- we support in how to use the materials, but not the outcome of the project
Question & Clarification What else can we support you on???