RESEARCH METHODS Trial Paper 2: June 2017
STRUCTURE OF PAPERS PAPER 1: 2 hours PAPER 2: 2 hours Social Influence Memory Attachment Psychopathology 24 marks for each section Mix of multiple choice, short and long answer questions Approaches (24) Biopsychology (24) Research Methods (48) RM is double-weighted Research Methods worth 102 marks overall plus additional 30 marks of Maths (35% of final A Level grade) STRUCTURE OF PAPERS
Grade boundaries A: 70% (50) B: 60% (43) C: 50% (36) D: 40% (29)
Question 9 1 mark for A Laboratory experiment Why? 2 features of the study: Controlled environment IV (with/without music) manipulated by researcher Question 9
2 marks for identification of the operationalised dependent variable: running time in seconds/time in seconds taken to run 400m. 1 mark for dependent variable not operationalised: time in seconds; running time. 0 marks for incorrect reference to speed or to the IV. If you included the IV (with/without music) in your answer you scored NO MARKS as you didn’t show you understand the difference between IV and DV Question 10
1 mark for explaining either you need to have continuous data or scores for each participant in order to draw a histogram. Plus 1 mark for identifying that the data represents two separate conditions (with music/without music); they are 2 different categories Note: 60% of students in the real exam scored NO MARKS for this question Example answer: A histogram is not appropriate because the data is not continuous, it is in 2 categories – with and without music. Question 11
Question 12 1 mark for each bullet point: • a difference between the two sets of data is predicted • the data is of interval level • a repeated measures design has been used. • the result is not significant (at the 5% level) • because the calculated value of t (1.4377) is less than the critical/table value which is 1.833 (at 0.05, for a directional hypothesis where df is 9). Question 12
Question 13 2 parts to the question: 2 marks for correctly explaining Type II error: state point and elaborate – best answers referred to hypotheses Exemplar answer A Type II error would occur where a real difference in the data is overlooked as it is wrongly accepted as being not significant, accepting the null hypothesis in error (a false negative). 1 mark for a reason for why the 5% level of significance is used in psychological research. The 5% level is used as it strikes a balance between the risk of making the Type I and II errors. “Because it’s convention” = NO MARKS Question 13
Question 14 No credit for most participant variables. WHY? Participant variables only acceptable if feasibly could have changed in a week e.g. illness/hydration level/injury/etc. Examiner report: The most common inappropriate variables were participant variables, which would not have feasibly changed within the week, for example running ability, fitness level, age or gender, or issues regarding order effects, which would have been addressed by the design of the study. Question 14
1 mark for identification of one appropriate extraneous variable e. g 1 mark for identification of one appropriate extraneous variable e.g. type/rhythm of music/equipment/environmental variables. 1 mark for an explanation of why it is important to control their chosen variable in the context of this study i.e. the impact on the DV. 1 mark for how the stated variable could be controlled. Question 14
One EV could have been t_______ of music listened to One EV could have been t_______ of music listened to. It would have been important to c__________ for this because f_______ music (e.g. p_____ music) may lead to faster r_________ than classical m_______. This could have been c___________ for by having the s________ music or song playing for every p_____________. Question 14
Most students failed to write enough accurate detail for top marks Often definition of what peer review is was given – no marks for this Question asked for process and purpose – both parts of question need to be addressed Most answers did not use appropriate psychological terminology Question 15
Question 15 Examiner report Many students simply defined what peer review is and very few demonstrated a detailed understanding of the processes or the purposes of it. Many students made no reference to publication and saw it as a simple checking method, often with the misconception that it involves the reviewer repeating the study. Question 15
Question 15 Exemplar answer The process of peer review involves other p______________ checking the research report before deciding whether it can be p___________. This independent s__________ by other psychologists working in a similar field considers the research in terms of its v___________, significance and o____________. Reviewers may assess the appropriateness of the method and d___________ used and the way data has been interpreted. The reviewer can accept the manuscript as it is, accept with revisions or r__________. The editor of a j_________ makes the final decision whether to accept or reject the research report based on the reviewers recommendations. The purpose of peer review it to ensure the q________ and relevance of research, e.g. methodology, data analysis etc. before it reaches the p________ domain and to ensure a__________ of findings. Peer review may also evaluate proposed designs (in terms of aims, quality and value of the research) for research funding. Question 15
Question 16 2 marks for an explanation with some elaboration 1 mark for a limited or muddled explanation Exemplar answer An observation would be more appropriate because a self-report method like a questionnaire could lead to socially desirable answers/lying/self-delusion/misremembering, so would not reflect what really happens at the gym, so the data would lack validity. Many answers did not engage with the scenario; the best students will always do this Question 16