Visual vocab part 1
Organisms that can make their own food Autotroph (image on left is cyanobacteria)
The dynamic equilibrium that organisms maintain in response to changes in their environment Homeostasis
The change in the genetics of a population over time Evolution (the bottom left is the evolution of the whale)
A charged atom (due to loss or gain of electrons) Ion (the bottom is Mg)
A less concentrated solution hypotonic
An organism whose cells have nuclei & other membrane-bound organelles Eukaryote
A genetic change (physical or behavioral) that helps an organism survive in its environment Adaptation
A structure that is similar in different organisms, but adapted for a different purpose Homologous structures
The process of copying the DNA message into mRNA Transcription
The type of RNA that brings the amino acid to the ribosome tRNA Anticodon
The process by which gametes are made Meiosis
Set of 3 nucleotides in mRNA codon
Chemical compound containing carbon Organic compound
Classification of organisms with no organelles prokaryote
Taxonomic Level one level more specific than kingdom phylum
A living factor that contributes to an ecosystem Biotic factor
Taxonomic Level one level more specific than phylum class
Set of letters that represents the alleles present for a gene genotype
The degree of variation of life diversity
Membrane bound subunit of a cell with a particular function Cell organelles
Nucleic acid essential for gene expression and protein synthesis rna
Type of inheritance that leads to a mixture of two traits. codominance
Taxonomic level that is one level more specific than Family genus
Process by which evolution takes place. Natural selection
Building block of proteins Amino acid
The process of molecules moving from high to low concentration diffusion
The process of copying genetic information Dna replication
The process of passing on your best traits for survival Survival of the fittest
Structure responsible for translation of mRNA into a protein ribosome
A measure of the tendency of individual genotypes in a population to vary from one another. Genetic variability
Polymer of nucleotides Nucleic acid
Amount of solutes inside the cell equal to outside the cell Amount of solutes inside the cell equal to outside the cell. The solution would be? isotonic