SHARING THE ROADS #1.What is the MAIN topic discussed in chapter 8? #2.Who do you “SHARE” the road with when you are driving? List at least three (3) #3. What is the FATALITY RATE if PEDESTRIANS are hit by a car at 20 MPH? How about at 40 MPH?
Sharing the roadways with Pedestrians & Motorcycles #4.What are the “rules” when stopping your vehicle at a stop sign or red light? #5. List the places a motorist needs to be aware and extra careful to watch for pedestrians. #6. What items should a motorist keep in mind when sharing the roads with Motorcycles?
NO ZONES #7. What is the “MAIN” principle or thought concerning “No Zones”? #8. How many “No Zones” are there? #9. List all of the “No Zones”. #10. How many feet is the “No Zone” behind a large vehicle? #11. What is the “No-Zone” called when a large vehicle is traveling towards your vehicle?
MORE NO ZONES #12. What should a motorist do when moving towards the “Head On – No Zone” #13. HOW BIG IS THE “No Zone” in front of a large vehicle? # 14. Why do you need to use “Caution” when passing a truck? # 15. How can a motorist make sharing the roads with larger vehicles safer?
#16. What does the State Law, which is directed towards school and commercial buses mean about drivers “Yielding” to the bus? #17. What is the fine for violation of the above State Law? #18. During bad weather, how much LONGER can it take for trucks to stop?