Conference on the Environment MPCA Update State of the Environment Current Activities On the Horizon November 12, 2013 Our Mission: Protect and improve the environment and enhance human health
Air Update David Thornton Assistant Commissioner Air Policy
State of the Air Are we meeting standards? Is our air healthy to breath? Moderate progress
Current Activities: Clean Air Dialogue action areas On and off road mobile sources Small business source New air alert program Woodsmoke
Current Activities: Clean Air Minnesota 2.0 focus areas Build on the success of diesel retrofits Model contracts Electric vehicles Targeted assistance to small business Woodsmoke awareness and change-outs Since 2008, MPCA has worked with Environmental Initiative to reduce PM2.5 emissions by the equivalent of removing 667,000 cars from the road.
Current Activities: EPA Green House Gas Rule for Power Plants EPA seeking comments from states Determine the best system of emission reduction Interstate electricity market Flexibility, partnerships Challenge Workable/protective standard for carbon from coal and natural gas 7 Minnesota Powers Boswell Energy Center
On the Horizon: New Air Monitoring Activities 8 Near road monitoring: EPA requirement I-94 in Minneapolis Roving monitors: 2013 Legislative action Areas not well represented by current long-term monitoring network Winona Silica sand-related One of 14 air monitoring stations throughout the state, nine of which are in the TCMA. Additional near road, roving and sand-related stations are planned in 2014.
Water Update Rebecca Flood Assistant Commissioner Water Policy/Agricultural Liaison
State of the Water 10 How are our waters doing? Good progress How much has been tested? Surface water protection and restoration Good progress
Current Activities: Watershed Monitoring 11 Intensive Watershed Monitoring Biological/Physical monitoring – 10 year cycle Lake monitoring Flow/chemical/load monitoring – ongoing On track to complete state in 10 years
Current Activities: WRAPS going statewide Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) Local implementation Outreach and education Ag Water Quality Certification
Sample Implementation Table 13 Water Quality Parameter Current Conditions Water Quality Targets by Parameter.Strategies Required Adoption Rate MeasuresWhoMilestone Total Suspended Solids Watershed Derived Sediment: approx. 35% Pervious Areas by land-use category Current Loading by Flow Zone all sources. Very High – 29 T/day High 4.9 T/day Mid T/day Low – 0.49 T/day Very low – T/day TSS levels reduced by _% by flow zones, to achieve WQ standards. Moving the 90% to 52mg/l TSS. Loading Capacity by Flow Zone all sources. Very High – 15 T/day High – 3.1 T/day Mid T/day Low – 0.40 T/day Very low – T/day Source Prevention: Interception & Treatment: In-Channel Work: All cropland continuously protected by 30% residue or equivalent. 100 year flood plan in permanent vegetation. * Top 5% of EBI areas protected. * Percent of TSS reduced by flow zone per year to meet TMDL reduction targets Land-owners SWCD BWSR NRCS 100% in 10 years. 10% or more protected during each year. Total Suspended Solids Watershed Derived Sediment: Impervious Areas. - MS4 NA this watershed TSS levels reduced by _% to achieve WQ standards. BMPs designed to achieve target levels. Source Prevention: Interception & Treatment: In-Channel Work: Compliance with SWPPP None – no MS4s in watershed NPDES Permit Holders MS4s. Schedule of Compliance if needed. Total Suspended Solids Near-Channel Derived Sediment. Approx. 65% TSS levels reduced by _% to achieve WQ standards. Moving the 90% to 52mg/l TSS. Channel embeddedness. Source Prevention: Interception & Treatment: In-Channel Work: 100 year flood plan in permanent vegetation. * Top 5% of EBI areas protected. * Percent of TSS reduced from near channel sources to meet TMDL reduction targets Land-owners SWCD BWSR NRCS 100% in 10 years. 10% or more protected during each year. Phosphorus Nonpoint Phosphorus – by land-use category Current Loading by Flow Zone all sources. Very High –82 lbs./day High – 8.4 lbs. /day Mid lbs./day Low – 0.90 lbs./day Very low – 0.15 lbs./day Reduce phosphorus levels to FWM 18.4 lbs. /day or less. This level set to achieve compliance with D.O. WQ standard during 7Q10 flows. WLA – 0.02 lbs./day MOS 1.84 lbs./day LA: Very High –27 lbs./day High – 4.7 lbs. /day Mid lbs./day Low – 0.69 lbs./day Very low – 0.13 lbs./day Source Prevention: Interception & Treatment: In-Channel Work: All manure applied at agronomic rates for phosphorus. 25 foot permanent vegetation buffers around all pasture lands.* Percent of flow- weighted mean goal achieved from nonpoint sources Land-owners SWCD BWSR NRCS 100% in 10 years. 10% or more protected during each year.
Current Activities: Draft Nutrient Reduction Strategy 14 Minnesota State and federal agencies and the University of Minnesota worked together to create an effective draft strategy. A stakeholder conversation begins now
Current Activities: Nutrient Reduction Strategy Foundation Builds on a foundation of good science Sets goals based on water needs Sets milestones to define progress that is accountable 2025 – the milestone 2045 – the goal Action plans directly relate to our outcomes Stakeholders are involved in shaping strategy 15
On the Horizon: River Eutrophication Standards 16 Numeric limit for Phosphorus Numeric limit for Response Variables November 1845-day Public Notice begins January 8Public Hearing MPCA St. Paul office with video connection to all regional offices
Land/Legislative Update Kirk Koudelka Assistant Commissioner Land/Legislative Policy
State of the Land 18 What happens to solid waste in Minnesota? Moderate progress
Current Activities: Solid Waste Management 19
TCE & Soil Vapor Intrusion MDH Health Based Value (HBV) 0.4 ug/L EPA Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL) 5.0 ug/L MPCA Strategy in Response Potential Soil Vapor Intrusion in Como Neighborhood in SE Minneapolis 21
UNSession 22 The Unsession is a first-of-its-kind effort to make government better, faster, simpler and more efficient for people. We want to improve service, shorten wait times, eliminate old and outdated rules, and undo anything else that makes government nearly impossible for people to understand.