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Literacy Network of Kansas (LiNK) Suzanne E. Myers, Ed.D. LiNK Project Director Career, Standards and Assessment Services
Celebration 20 applications: 10 single districts. 10 consortia. 244,000-plus birth through grade 12 learners.
Overview: The basics Funded through federal Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy(SRCL) initiative. Partnership with University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. $27 million over three years – 96% subgranted.
Overview: The basics Competitive subgrant process for eight awards of $1,075,000 for each of the three years = $3,225,000. 15%: Birth through age 5. 40%: Kindergarten through fifth grade. 40%: Split equally between middle school (20%) and high school (20%).
LiNK goals Build capacity Funds distributed to LiNK projects should focus on making a significant impact on literacy growth and development for children from birth through grade 12, particularly disadvantaged children and youth, including English learners, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities. Suzy
Overview: Applicant supports Application period: Feb. 5-April 18 - Four webinars Application overview. Needs assessment and plan. Partnerships. Evidence-based practices.
Overview: Applicant supports Three statewide, daylong workshops. Samples: Needs assessment. Outline of literacy plan (in needs assessment guide). Four sample budgets. Instructional coaching model (Harvard University, Jim Knight methodologies). Ongoing phone support.
Reviewer summary Eight reviewers from six different states. Expertise in: Birth through grade 12 literacy. Program evaluation. Special needs learners. English learners. Language acquisition. Birth-5, K-5, secondary. Grant implementation. Building and district administration. Classroom teaching. Teacher preparation. Project-based learning models. Evidence-based practices. http://tinyurl.com/LiNKRound1
Review process summary Round 1: April 24-May 8 Reviewer webinar: April 24. Remote review. Two reviewers per application. Round 2: May 10-11 Kansas City, Missouri. Panel review. http://tinyurl.com/LiNKRound1
Scoring of applications FEASIBILITY Local needs assessment. Management plan. Comprehensive literacy plan. Professional learning. Recent, relevant research. Plan for allocation of project funds. IMPACT Use of evidence-based practices. Personalized learning practices. Evaluation. Targeting of disadvantaged students. Alignment from birth to age 5 and K-12 literacy. SUSTAINABILITY Partnerships. Supplement, not supplant. Continuous improvement plan.
Review results Recommended for funding: - Eight top-scoring applications, which include: Four individual district applicants (four districts). Four consortium applicants (28 districts).
Application highlights Community partnerships. Partnerships with early learning providers, including parents. Community outreach efforts focused on literacy growth and development. Language acquisition. Focused professional learning for educators. Data management and data-driven decision- making efforts. Teacher efficacy. Birth through grade 12 alignment and transitions.
2018 LiNK subgrantee recommendations:
Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas. Kansans Can achieve anything and, together, Kansans Can lead the world in the success of each student.