DEVOTION _________________________________________________ True or False: You Can’t Take It With You DR. ROBERT L. ROSS “For we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out.” Did you know you can extend your Christian stewardship beyond your lifetime and very likely give more after death than while you were living? Here is how it works. In a will or living trust document, one directs how the assets of his estate are to be distributed. In my case, estate assets will pass to my spouse. After her death, 90 percent of our assets will go to our children and the remaining 10 percent will go as a gift in trust to the Lord’s work through the Baptist Foundation. As trustee, the Baptist Foundation will manage those assets so they increase in value. The foundation will then distribute the income generated to the causes I have designated. The administration of that gift is perpetual; it will keep on giving as the original amount is multiplied. I can remain faithful in my Christian stewardship even while I am in heaven serving and honoring my Lord. Contact the Southern Baptist Foundation or the Baptist Foundation of your state convention to learn of gifting arrangements through which you can also extend your Christian stewardship beyond your lifetime.