Melvin Melgar & Ajon Daniel Jupiter Jupiter is a gas giant in the solar system. Melvin Melgar & Ajon Daniel
History Galileo discovered Jupiter’s four moons. Jupiter got its name by the king of gods in the roman state. Zeus was the son of Cronus.
Solar System Fifth planet from the Sun. 778.3 million kilometers from the sun. 4,332 Earth days to orbit around the Sun. For Jupiter to be one day it will take 9 hours and 55 minutes.
Moons Jupiter has 63 moons but only 16 are known. The moons are: Metis Adrasthea,Theb,Lo,Europa,Ganymeda,Callisto,Leda,Himalia,Lysithea,Elara,Anake, Carne, Pasiphae, and Tinope.
Planet Appearance Jupiter is a gas giant. Jupiter has a combination of colors including brown, red, yellow, orange and some white.
Rings Jupiter has faint rings. The rings are mostly made out of dust. Jupiter’s rings has 3 sections.
Exploration Pioneer10 Explored and discovered Jupiter. But Galileo discovered Jupiter’s 4 moons in 1610. Pioneer explored and discovered Jupiter on Feb 18, 1979.
Interesting Facts Jupiter has a big red spot that is a HUGE storm that has been happening for over 400 years. Jupiter is larger than all the others planets. Jupiter has a ring that is difficult to see.